Chapter 6: Flower

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“What just ha-ha-happened?” JaeSun asked Miyoko who stood there. Speechless. She couldn’t just blurt out her past. “It’s better if it came from Krystal and not from me” Miyo had told him. “Wait for her to tell you”

JaeSun looked away and stroked the brunette’s cheek. “Is there something going on between you two?” Miyoko asked, arms crossed and eager for the answer. “No. We’re just really close bestfriends” JaeSun replied.

“Really close?”



The room became quieter and they waited for Krystal to wake up. Fanning her and splashing droplets of water to her face attempting to wake her up.

*Krystal’s POV*

What j-j-just happened? Everything was pitch black “LET ME OUT” I screamed.

No one heard me.

I was alone.

I had no one.

I remembered sitting down on the empty space and cried. Curling up and I wrapped my arms around my legs. The tears that flowed out my eyes were red.

It was blood.

The room stared to turn red and in a split second everything was covered in blood. I called out for someone but no one heard me. No. This can’t be happening again. “YOU ARE USELESS” I heard someone call out to me but I couldn’t recognize the voice.

Why does no one listen to me? I thought. Isn’t this enough? Haven’t I felt enough pain for it to stop?

But the question that remained unanswered was. When will this stop?

I looked around the blood-covered room and it ran a shiver through my spine. I saw a man come to me “YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU ARE JUST A PIECE OF TRASH NO ONE DARES TO PICK UP!” He slapped my face. It sent more blood. He then suddenly disappeared and behind him was a woman who held a knife.

“NO ONE LIKES YOU” She said before she slashed my face. “Whoosh. Whoosh.” The pain. It hurt so much. It was too painful to cry. It stung my skin as tears flowed out of my eyes. 

Soon enough, I found myself sitting. Alone.

There was blood coming out. So much blood. I kept wondering why I still haven’t died yet. Can I? Because I really wanted to. Right at that moment. I just wanted it to stop. End everything – even life.

 I closed my eyes and heard “KRYSTAL! KRYSTAL! WAKE UP!” The words echoed through my head. It wasn’t the same voice I had heard earlier. It was softer.

I soon had realized I was dreaming. Although, everything was blurry as soon as I had opened my eyes

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