Chapter 8: Blessing

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*Krystal's POV*

"Thank you" I said as I gave the young lady a wave. It was salary day and I had just put money in mom's account.

But it's not enough.

I went to my car and drove to the hospital. The whole time I kept on thinking. Why does this have to happen to us? I want to give up - so bad. But I can't. And it hurts me so much. Tired, weak, and lost; those words describe how I am feeling right now.

But sadly, I have to keep these emotions right now and do my biggest role - to be the big sister of Wendy. I promised to protect her and I will to the end.

I need her.

Wendy's birthday was coming up and I didn't know what to give her and how to celebrate it (We'll be broke); to think that this would be her first birthday without mom. Without the person who'd stay up until 12 to greet her, the person who'd give her tons and tons of gifts that always made her day, without the person she calls 'Mom'.

This birthday wasn't just a normal one. She would be turning 13; the stage wherein every pre-teen waits for.

The thought of it made me cry. Life is really unfair. One moment you’re having the best day of your life the next moment everything turns into a disaster.

"Unnie!" My sister waved at me as I pulled up in the parking lot. She was wearing a blue dress that flowed until her knees. Wendy was going to her best friend's party at a hotel. "Didn't know you had to be so formal" I joked as we drove to the hotel. "Look who's talking. Ms. Dress-Properly-Little-One" She rolled her eyes and I just shook my head at her remark.


*Wendy's POV*

We just finished eating our meals. Oh gosh I was so full. "Why don't you go to your tiny friends" Aish. My sister really. "YAH!" I slapped her shoulder.

Haha. She deserved it.

Like what she said, I walked to my 'tiny friends' who were standing in a corner talking. "Hey guys" I waved at them and they looked at me "Hey Wendy” the three of them said in chorus.

"Dayumm Diana. Someone looks so pretty today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I hugged my best friend. Yana (her nickname) was wearing a sparkly silver dress with a gold cross necklace around her neck and gold ballet flats to complete the elegant look.

"Thanks Wen" She smiled at me with her white teeth showing. Yana grabbed me to join their conversation

Ugh. Gossip. Not this again. “Don’t you have anything better to talk about?” I asked them. Diana’s eyes met mine and her glare terrified me. They were talking about some kind of girl that tried to blackmail Diana on Facebook.

This topic was something I didn’t want to do anything about. I hated gossip and by hate, I mean intense hate. “Hey, how’s your sister?” Diana asked me. “Fine, she’s still stressed out though. Please don’t tell anyone what I’m facing right now” I begged her. The last thing I wanted was to be on the school newspaper’s latest segment - “Hot Topic”.

“Are you serious? I’m your bestfriend. I wouldn’t do that.” She told me; arms crossed.

I hugged her. Diana was the best. Whenever you said it was a secret – It will be a secret. “Let…go…I…can’t…bre…..athe” She stuttered. Gosh. “Sorry” I pulled away from the hug and gave her a smile.


It was already 7 in the evening and as they were talking I glanced at my sister who sat alone at the table. “Aww, poor unnie” I whispered under my breath. “What did you say?” Diana asked me. I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile.

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