My Possessive Werewolf Alpha Mate

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Thanks for clicking. This chapter is dedicated to all readers : ) Credits to my little cousin, Sunny, who gave me this story to continue (cuz’ she got her account closed just yesterday, shshhh.)

My Possessive Werewolf Alpha Mate – Chapter 1 –You’re a werewolf

“Let’s partaaay!” I slurred, gripping on the bottle of vodka while throwing my hands in the air and swaying my hips side to side.

Everybody was thrashing around my house like drunken ants, but I didn’t care. I can’t help but think about my parents getting a fit when they come home. They agreed with me on parties but they want their house spotless when they come home from their business trip. I lost my balance as soon as I tripped on my own feet, how clumsy is that? I broke the bottle of vodka and its pieces laid scattered on the floor. Some of the audience gasped as they watched me fall on the ground with a painful thud, some laughed. That was seriously unexpected, but for a drunken girl like me... I don't think so.

“I feel really hot” I said, rolling on the ground and staring at the ceiling while giggling drunkenly. Something got hold of my hand and pulled me up, making me stand on my own feet.

“Come on, Mar. On your feet” I immediately recognized that voice as Jessica’s. She hauled my arm over her shoulder and began to guide me towards the back of the house. The grandfather clock began to rang, signaling the start of midnight.

“Oh look… its twelve o’clock” I slurred, while walking on my wobbly feet. For a girl, Jessica surely didn’t mind my weight, she’s got a hell of a strength.

After being dragged towards the forest, I felt my eyes drop close. I can still feel and hear what was happening around me, half my brain was awake. Minutes later, I was laid on the ground with my head carefully placed on a rock which served as my pillow. The grass was tickling my thighs because I was wearing a dress. My feet already felt sore because of the six inch high heels stilettos I was wearing.

I was warm… really warm. Seconds later I felt like my skin burning, like it was being scorched by a very hot flame. I bit my lip, trying to contain the scream that was threatening to escape my quivering lips. I heard some bones beginning to pop, and then Jessica’s loud yell,

“No! Marquis, don’t let it out yet!” she screamed, nudging my arm. Was she crazy? It was excruciating and hold it in? Despite of the unpleasant thoughts swiveling inside my head, I complied her advices. Until finally I felt as if I was going to explode, she nudged my arm carefully and said, “Let it out now, Marquis. NOW!” when those words escaped her lips, I gave in and let the pain go.

I felt something weird sprout from my skin and my bones began to crack and pop into place. The pain was agonizingly painful and the scream that I was holding in for so long finally escaped. I felt my body grow, tearing and shredding my dress into piece and having them all scattered on the floor.

It was quite shocking when the pain faded and abruptly stopped. I laid on the floor, pretty sure that I was covered in grime and dirt. I was trying to ease my labored breathing when Jessica’s voice finally broke the eerie silence surrounding us. Her hand caressed my head and down to my side,

“It’s okay, now. It’s over” I was glad she said that, at least she was there for me on the most unbearable event that happened to my entire life!

Slowly fluttering my eyes open, my drunken side was finally gone. My senses even heightened, my sight, smell and hearing especially. Softly whispering Jessica’s name, it came out as a soft whine instead. Wait, what? Jolting right up, I looked down at my feet to catch sight of paws in place of my hands. My eyes caught glimpse of a small puddle and I quickly ran over it to check myself out.

Looking down at the reflection before me, instead of ‘me’ was a snow-white wolf with blacked tip ears and silver eyes. What?! I have freaking blue eyes how did it become silver? Staring up at Jessica, she looked down sadly at the floor and muttered a small apology, playing with her fingers. She walked over to me and petted my head while scratching my ear. I began screaming mentally, what am I? What happened? What the hell is going on?!

“I am so sorry, Marquis. I didn’t know you were one” I growled softly and she stood back up. I barked up at her and whined, how am I supposed to get back again? “I should’ve told you about us a long time ago even before your first shift, but you didn’t quite smelled like a were” she stated, I looked at her in a daze. What was she talking about? “I am sorry I could not explain now. You should get back to your human before they even see you” she said. “Focus on your human self and you’ll be back in no time”

I closed my eyes and did as she said, thinking of my image. My bones began to pop and crack into place, once again, the pain was there. My fur retracted from my skin and dissolved like a sugar in water. Gritting my teeth, another scream threatened to escape. When the pain was finally over, I sighed in relief and a jacket was thrown over my head. Grabbing it, I put it on and looked at Jessica threateningly.

“You should start explaining” I growled at her, she nodded and led me back to my house.

Inside, everybody was either passed out, drinking more vodka, or dancing. My house looks like sh*t and I am sure that this will not be fixed in a short amount of time. Broken pieces of glass were scattered on the floor, pieces of trash were on random places. Quite messy if you asked me.

We ran up the stairs and ran to my room to walk into a couple having s*x. Jessica and I both gasped, but they paid no attention. Sighing, I threw them a piece of paper and pointed at the door, “Get out” a threatening growl escaped my lips and they scampered at their feet, dressing up in a hurry and running out of the room.

Closing and locking the door before us, I entered my walk-in closet and clothed myself in a pair of tank top and skinny jeans. Walking back into the room, I threw Jessica her jacket back and we both sat on the edge of my duvet.

“So” I started, “Are you going to explain or not?”

She sighed and looked down at her lap, “Where am I going to start?” she asked herself, tapping her chin.

“How about what happened a while ago?” I suggested, she snapped her fingers and plastered a knowing look, just like a bulb appeared over her head.

“Yeah… about that” she paused and took a deep breath “Marquis… you’re a werewolf” I stared at her dumbfounded.

Heck, what does that even mean?

My Possessive Werewolf Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now