Chapter 9 - Beach and Games

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“Where are we going?” I asked for the hundredth time, getting impatient every minute that passes as he drives. I already finished my ice cream, the only remainders the pieces of tissues we used to hold the cone. The ice cream was the only thing that kept my mouth shut, he had to give me his so I’ll keep quiet, but now that it’s finish, I only got bored…

“I won’t tell you” that’s what he said in constant answers from my repeating questions, nothing’s changed…

I pouted ad looked out the window, crossing my legs and tapping my foot, impatiently. Sighing, I stared at the evergreen trees passing by in a blur. Honestly, I don’t know where Nathan was taking me, I have never been here before! I pressed down the window button by the door and sniffed the fresh air.

This scent that waft over my face had the smell of the brine waters. The wind gushed over my face mingled with the rustling coconut leaves and large crashing waves, ringing on my sensitive werewolf ears, simultaneously.

Then it hit me, I looked at Nathan in an abrupt reaction and furrowed my brows. He had a one-side smirk on his lips while steering the wheel to the left. I could clearly see the trees fading from my peripheral while he just spared me a glance and shrugged. I was still focused on his face, waiting for his answer in anticipation.

Saying, “See for yourself” while shaking his head in amusement. I looked in front of me. He crystal blue waters and the white, sandy shore were slowly coming to my point of view. The dark, big-trunked trees were replaced by the thin, tall coconut trees, bowing and swaying with the gushing winds. My window was still open, and so the smell intensified under my nostrils.

Nathan had gone driving over the sand, and so he pulled over and parked his car on a vacant spot where it doesn’t block the way. I removed my high-heeled stilettos and placed them down on the floor of Nathan’s car. Opening the door, I hopped out of the car and stepped on the sand in barefoot. I can feel it tickling me under the soles of my feet.

“Mar!” I heard someone call which made my head snap to the side, my gaze immediately landed at Jessica in a black bathing suit, jogging her way towards me.

“Hey, Jess!” I said in a greeting manner, smiling at her.

“Oh! Thank god you’re finally here! We’ve been waiting for forever” she blabbered, stopping beside me with heavy breathing.

“What?” I looked at her in utter confusion then turned my gaze at Nathan “This is your surprise?” my brows furrowed at my forehead while he shrugged. I stomped my feet and crossed my arms, “That’s the reason why I hate surprises…” I whined, my bottom lips quivering. “I don’t have time to prepare for them”

“I guess you do…” Jessica’s trailing off voice caught my attention and my eyes instantaneously drifted back to her direction. She pulled out a black, bathing suit behind her back and threw it on my head.

I took it off my face and held in by the shoulders, raking my eyes through the piece of clothing briefly. “You really got ready for this, huh?”

“Yeah! Come on” she pulled my wrist and began dragging me towards the thick layer of coconut trees. She dragged me behind the trees and pulled a pair of flip flops behind her back.

“Where are you getting all those from?” I inquired, my forehead creasing

“I’ve placed them there” she answered.

I stripped off my clothes and slipped all what she handed me one by one. I looked down at myself after and instantly felt self-conscious.

“Do you have anything to top these?” I questioned, looking down at my clothes which on my opinion was quite revealing. There were two big holes which served as style at the sides of the one-piece bathing suit and a golden detail by the shoulder for decoration.

“Uh…” she began patting the different parts of her body and finally pulled out a white, lace cape and threw it to me. I put it on in a dash and checked down myself, I nodded and shrugged.

“This is fine… I guess”

She grabbed my wrist and squealed, “Come on! Let’s go play with the boys!” she said, dragging me towards a certain direction.

“Wait!” she halted and looked at me, weirdly. “Aren’t I’m in heat?”

She thought for a second then finally said, “That’s fine! Besides, only the high-rankers and their mates attended. Not those mateless…” I cut her off,

“Ok, maybe that’s fine” I shrugged and she began tugging on my arm once again, heading towards a direction I am not quite familiar that we have traveled.

“What are they playing?” I inquired, as she dragged me across the shore.

“Volleyball” she answered with a smirk, abruptly stopping as the sight of the net and a ball being thrown back and forth played in my eyes. That’s when it snapped, this is a girls vs. boys. This is going to be fun!

“Come on!” she yelled while running towards them, giggling in excitement. I sauntered behind her, taking slow steps as I examined the scene before me. There are about 6 boys including Nathan and Daniel, then 6 girls including me and Jessica.

There are different girls wearing styled swimsuits varying in colors. The boys were shirtless, only wearing beach trunks while playing, showing off their bare muscled chest.

“Marquis, hurry up!” Jessica called, jumping up and down impatiently while motioning for me to go faster. I did go faster, kicking the sand behind me and sending white dusts in the air.

“Hey” a girl greeted with a sly smile, “My name’s Katrina” she approached and shook hands with me, gently. “You can call me Kat” she said. She had a long, flaming red hair with glinting silver eyes like anybody else…“I’m the zeta’s mate, Jonathan” she suddenly leaned close to my ear and whispered, “The hot guy with the blond hair and blue eyes” she giggled and blush, I smiled at her with amusement.

“Hey! My name’s Sally” the other girl with the raven black hair said, bouncing up and down like a child. “You can call me Sal” then she leaned in and whispered in my ear.

Another girl walk towards me, “Hi, I’m Rachel” she said, reaching her hand out which I shook instinctively. “You can call me-“ she was cut off when one of the boys yelled,

“Forget the acquaintances and do it later!” I recognized it was Daniel who said it in such an impatient manner.

I guess this is going to be fun…

My Possessive Werewolf Alpha MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora