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I need a favor.






Find or make a man fitting the "Tobi" description. Hair, height, scars, everything. Make sure it's recorded that his throat was slit in a small, no-name civilian village four years ago. Konoha may look into my therapy case to prove validity.



I'll work on it immediately. You've been in therapy with the blond for a year now, right? How are your sessions?



T&I hasn't provided me with any new information. Things have been going smoothly as of late, but expect a kick off by the end of this Academy year. Naruto and Sasuke have been working hard to catch up to me so that we'll graduate sooner. I don't know who our sensei will be, though.



That's good to hear. What about your sessions?



There have been no updates on anyone I'm keeping tabs on. The clans are quiet and meet to discuss matters with the Hokage twice a month. I may be scheduled to help guard it as part of my training. If I hear anything, I'll let you know.



Your sessions.



How are Suna and Iwa?



I know you're still angry about what I did to you. I admit it. I shouldn't have taken it so far. But the one thing we can't deny is that there is something wrong with you, and the problem is that you'd rather suffer than help yourself.

We have a chance to save everyone.

How are we going to do it if you aren't willing to save yourself?



I don't care what happens to me as long as they're happy.



Sasori read over their last correspondence with a sigh before burning the evidence. She had a steel will just as hard as her head, and it'd probably take a hit from a sledgehammer to finally knock some sense into her. He slid a plate of fish to Kou from across the table and leaned back to stare at the ceiling.

Nothing was happening in the Akatsuki. Unlike in Sakura's circumstances, there was nothing he could proactively do for or towards the organization. The bijuu weren't needed, he was still at a loss at the sudden change in leadership, and driving Gaara's and Deidara's paths were going by slower than he first anticipated. There was only so much time he could spare in going solo to monitor them.

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