It Killed Her

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-Meet me behind the Hokage Tower. Tell no one. Come alone. Am I understood?-

Sakura nodded. Danzo inclined his head then slowly retreated into the darkened treeline. She glanced in the classroom, seeing all the happy faces and hearing all their laughter. She stayed for a few moments, content that they all managed to get along so well. Anything Danzo had to say to her better not interfere with everything she had going now.

She held her neck and started off down the hallway. The only eyes that followed her were those of Akamaru, who in turn pawed at Kiba's calves and whined. The Inuzuka pulled himself away from the group to poke his head out the door.

"Sakura? Where're you going?"

She raised a hand without turning around. "Something came up. I'll try to be back in an hour, yeah? If not, I'll explain everything tomorrow," she called. She didn't need to see the thoughtful frown on his face to know that he would have a hard time fully believing what she told him. Eventually, he reluctantly ducked his head back into the room. In that empty hallway, her fingers molded into the tiger seal and she disappeared, leaving nothing but a few leaves from where she once was.

She re-appeared at the shadowed rear of the tower. There wasn't a time she recalled being here outside the years she spent training with Tsunade, but it looked more lush than the last time all that time ago. The Hokage's personal training grounds consisted of a wide, open clearing and trees that swept against the rooftops.

But the clearing wasn't empty. There was a plain black shoulder bag in the very center—

"That's mine," she said.

"It is."

Danzo made himself visible to her far left, most of him shrouded in the building's overcast. He lifted his wooden cane and pointed it towards the bag. "Get it."

Sakura approached the edge of the field. There was nothing she could do to escape his watchful eye. The only conclusion she could draw was that this was a test. Obviously. Her file and reputation must have circulated within the higher ups, much to her distaste. And now, it was either she fail and shame both Ibiki and Genma's teachings, or succeed and make it further into their radar.

She resisted a sigh.

Honestly, fuck everything.



"Over here, Uchiha-san."

Fugaku, in all the grace of head of a noble clan, strode down the hall. Dan stood in front of one of the windows that faced the southern end of the village. His eyes were troubled oceans as they darted back and forth at whatever, or whoever, he was watching. Fugaku came up to the window and peered out himself, stoic facade cracking when he recognized who it was.

"Haruno Sakura?"

He saw her dodge two projectiles by activating another trap and twisting out of the immediate danger zone. Dan looked at him. "You know her?"

"Sasuke's fond of her company. And of what I've heard, Obito is familiar with her as well," he replied. Down below, jets of fire made themselves known. Grass singed at their touch yet still failed to harm her. She substituted herself with an explosive tag, erupting in a series of traps going off all at once.

"I never expected such connections," the Godaime mused, though mostly to himself. "Who else does she keep in her circle?"

Most of the grounds were destroyed and most, if not all, traps were used. All was barren until a hand popped out from the debris. Another followed, then came the rest of Sakura's unscathed body. She shrugged the bag over her shoulder as she confronted Danzo. Fugaku's eyebrows creased at the display of such skill.

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