I woke up with a start and looked around my room.

"Guys! Wake up!" I yelled as Jay kicked me in the thigh, Evie yawned, sitting up, and Carlos, holding Dude, shocker, I know, and scrambling towards the window.

"Um, Mal, where are we?" Carlos asked nervously.

"I have no idea." I answered hopelessly.

"Ugh. My head." Evie groaned.

"Guys, look at our outfits." Jay said.

"Since when do you care about fashion?" Evie asked him.

"I don't." Jay assured her. "But-"

I looked more closely at our clothes, and I got confused. "Guys!" I interrupted him. "Jay's right."

"Told ya!" Jay gloated.

"We're wearing what we wore when we first came to Auradon!" I exclaimed, motioning to my purple leather jacket, purple jeans, purple boots, Jay's red beanie, leather vest, red pants, black boots, Evie's blue jacket, white skirt with writing, forest print leggings, blue boots, and Carlos's black and white jacket with red sleeves, black and white shorts, and black boots.

"Mal's right." Carlos said. "You guys better come see this."

We all walked up to Carlos and Dude to look out the window. We saw what looked like the Isle of the Lost, but this wasn't it because the Isle was in the distance, but it looked cleaner.

"Okay, what's going on?" Evie asked.

"No idea. I'm gonna go out and look around. You guys with me?" I asked.

"Yup." And we all marched out the door.

Auradon Reversed (Twist Fate Challange)Where stories live. Discover now