The Signs Waking Up In The Morning *

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Aries: Morning? You mean afternoon? These people don't wake up until at least 2pm

Taurus: Wakes up super early but takes like 5 naps throughout the day

Gemini: Complains for about 2 hours

Cancer: They hate mornings as much as they hate Mondays, they were made for the night

Leo: Is usually a morning person, they like the sun and waking up to it, just not when they have school

Virgo: Has a strict sleeping schedule that they follow every day

Libra: Takes a look at the clock and goes back to sleep for another few days

Scorpio: Hisses at the sun and pulls all the covers over their head

Sagittarius: Stares at the floor after they wake up for no reason at all

Capricorn: They wake up extremely early so that they don't get burned alive by the sun by waking up at a later time

Aquarius: Yells at the birds to shut up

Pisces: Doesn't get out of bed and just stares at the ceiling until they get the motivation to get through the day

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever omg

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