The Signs As Seasons

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I found this zodiac post extremely beautiful so of course I had to share it ^-^

ARIES: You are the very beginning of Spring. Depending where you are, one may look at Spring as beautiful, the creation of new life, the light breezes, but others may find it as nothing but disastrous, the tornadoes, the heavy showers. You are the beginning of life, but you are also the rainstorms.

TAURUS: You are the middle of Spring. You are heavenly and the weather seems to fit your expectations perfectly. You are the flowers, the newborn babies in the animal kingdom, the bees. You are also the sprinkling rain. You come and go whenever and however you please.

GEMINI: You are the end of Spring. You bring new feelings of excitement to the lives of humans. You tease us with the Summer feeling. You are the hot winds and the clouds that cover the sun. You are also the constantly shifting temperatures, forever making us wonder.

CANCER: You are the beginning of Summer. You give us relief and relaxation. You are the breeze that rolls off the ocean waves. You are the moon shining upon hot summer nights, giving us dim lighting. You are also the humidity in the air and the hot sands of the beach.

LEO: You are the middle of Summer. You give us laughter and playfulness. You are the scorching desert sun and you are the freckles and the tanned skin. You are also the sunburns and the heat waves, reminding us to go inside every now and then to give you your space.

VIRGO: You are the end of Summer. You are hopeful with the winds of Autumn, which is right around the corner. You are the breezes starting to take place again, and you are the first leaf falling. You are also the dryness in the air and the loss of daylight.

LIBRA: You are the beginning of Autumn. You make people feel content and cozy. You are the leaves that have fallen and you are the beauty that has taken place within the colors. You are also the loss of Summer's freedom and the start of concealed skin and feelings.

SCORPIO: You are the middle of Autumn. You make people feel reserved and collected. You are the crunching leaves on the ground and the ghostly nights. You are also the bitten nails and the lifeless trees, leaving us waiting for Spring to approach again.

SAGITTARIUS: You are the ending of Autumn. You make people feel adventurous and worry-free. You are the bonfires near the lake and you are little boy wondering about the forests looking for nature's odd creations. You are also the chapped lips and the bitter winds that seem to sting our skin.

CAPRICORN: You are the beginning of Winter. You give us a new feeling of rejuvenation. We feel like children being taught the ways of life around you. You are the fireplaces on cold nights and first snowflakes of the season. You are also the harshness of the cold and the lack of all sunshine.

AQUARIUS: You are the middle of Winter. You make people get out of their honeymoon phase with winter and start to become more aware. You are the stillness that comes after a snowstorm and you are the scarf that covers a young writer's mouth. You are also the restless nights with the cold wind howling and the branches that tap on the windows.

PISCES: You are the end of Winter. You make us feel complete and careful. You are the last snowflake of the season and you are the new feeling of hope, for a better cycle and a better state of mind. You are the last of natures' deaths and you are the tears from all the emotions that the year gives us put together.

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