Chapter 8

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**Camila's POV**
Yes me and Dinah have been through our ups and hard ass downs but they make us stronger. There is a new boy in school and his name is Wardell but they call him Stephen and I mean he's cute or whatever. But I'm in love already with the beautifulest girl ever but speaking of her he's becoming a little close with My Dinah. And I get a really a really bitch ass vibe from him. Today in science we were working on lab projects and we have a new seating chart. Well guess who Dinah sits by. Yeah you're right she sits by Stephen. So they will be lab partners. Then we have a big project coming up. And my girl and him laughed the whole class but no I'm not jealous.

**Dinah's POV**
Stephen and I are going to work on our project tonight because it's the only time he's free so I guess I have to cancel my date with Camila but she'll understand.

When Stephen arrived we worked on the periodic table assignment. Then I got us a snack. Then I tripped and fell into Stephen's lap. We made eye contact and I suddenly felt all my worries wash away and I just felt safe. And that's when our lips connected slowly and got more passionate. But it turned into a full blown make out session and I ended up naked right along with him on the pull out couch. He caressed and sucked my breast. I don't exactly need y'all kids hearing my whole story😬 so I'm going to fast forward a little. Then I instantly felt bad and had to tell Camila but I just didn't know how to. After Stephen left I took a long bath. And texted Camila.
D:wanna hang?
C: sure wassup
D: I need to talk to u about something I'll be there soon
I got dressed in some skinny jeans and a T-shirt with my original timberlands. I stopped by the store on the corner to get some Original Bluebell Ice cream and I made my way to Camila's house. I have to talk to you I told her and we sat down. I don't know what happened or got into me but I did some stupid as shit I cried to her. I love you with all my heart and always will and I'm so sorry.. She hugged me. "Did you have sex with Stephen?" She asked. And I weakly replied a yes. And she just hugged me tighter and we cried until we drifted off until sleep

A/N: Y'all i don't even know.. But sorry for mistakes

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