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I opened the doors to the office and saw the coach's son in the office. He turned around his blue eyes scanning me. I ignored it and walked up towards the desk. "What can I do for you today Christopher?" Mrs. Kristine asked I smile and handed her my application "I'm here to sign up to be a tutor for the program" She pointed to the boy behind me and motioned for him to come here. "Chase Rain meet your new tutor Christopher Wilton!" He looked at me and stuck out his hand "Chase" I shook it "Christopher" we walked out of the office "when should we start, the faster you teach me the faster I'm back on the team and you don't have to see me ever again"

"Charming" I mumbled he nervously chuckled "sorry I'm just- I really need to get back on the team" I nodded "after school?" Chase smiled "great, we can study at my house today" I nodded. I walked towards my locker and grabbed my books. Chase followed me as we walked out of the school Doors. "You need help kid?" I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows "kid?" Chase shrugged "aren't I older then you?" He questioned "I'm seventeen" I said walking a little bit more ahead. "Sorry dude, I thought you were in the same grade as I." I rolled my eyes "whatever. Let's get this over with."

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