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"So I'm glad you guys chose this place, we have a lot of kids here who are ready for their forever homes" A woman, Eleanor, explains as they walk into her office.

Harry smiles excitingly glancing at his husband who was looking out the window, a bunch of kids on the playground.

He had such a fond smile on his face that Harry adored, they've been wanting to adopt for a long time now.

It was on Louis' birthday where he had all their friends and family over to celebrate. Harry had given his present last as a surprise

At first Louis was unsure by the large vanilla envelope his husband had given him, when he opened it he noticed it was a bunch a papers. "The hell is this?"

Louis had asked making everyone laugh. "Read it" "Is this a fifty page essay talking about how much you love me? Aw Harreh" he gushes loudly making the curly haired boy roll his eyes

"Read it please, it's much better than that" Louis has taken the rest of the papers out, he quickly scanned his eyes over the paper but stopped noticing the word adoption

He gasps looking up at Harry, "Adoption papers?" "Surprise! Where's adopting a kid!" Harry gushes making his husband burst into to tears. He ignored his family congratulating him, he just hugged the hell out of Harry

Louis could never forget that day, he was glad that two months later he and his husband found St. Mary's adoption center for children.

Harry's close friend Niall and his husband Justin had adopted their son Liam when he was three years old, now he's five and Harry has been happy for his friend and his little family.

They we're a happy completed family, and that made Harry jealous. He just wanted a child so badly

Before he had been caught up at work in the studio working with artists like Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran.

While Louis had been caught up on being a full time football player traveling for his games, they never really had the time to fully discuss it.

"Now is there a specific age range?" "Well we were thinking maybe around four to six?" Louis answers, gripping Harry's hand

They wanted a baby, but they felt as though maybe they should find a child a little older but still young. Maybe in a couple years they'll adopt a baby, or even find a surrogate

"Okay hold on a minute, do you have your papers?" Harry nods opening the folder he had been clinging onto since the car ride over here

He handed her the stacks paper taking a deep breath. "Thank you so much, why don't you wait in the hallway yes? I need to find the book of all the kids" Eleanor says with a smile standing up from her chair.

Both men nod stepping out into the hallway, take a seat in the wooden chair nears the window. "I'll be right back" she says giving them a quick smile before rushing away

"Can you believe it Lou? I'm so excited" Harry says looking around. Louis nods gazing out the window, "Just think, one of those kids will be ours" he says softly. "Gosh I don't think I've ever been so excited in my life"

"Calm down dear, you'll end up blowing up or something" Louis says teasingly, causing Harry to give him a playful glare.

After fifteen minutes of small talk Eleanor had came back with a large scrapbook, "Hello, so here it is. M'sorry it took so long" "It's alright" Harry says moving over to make room

Louis sat closer to Harry as Eleanor opens the book, each page with a child's picture and small notes at the bottom. "Oh this is going to be hard" Louis says biting his lip, Eleanor chuckles.

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