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Zayn explored around the large house quietly, he didn't notice that nana the cat was following behind him.

He had woken up from his nap and he was happy he didn't get any nightmares. Now he just began examining the huge house

He's never been in a house like before, all the houses he visited were always small. Zayn all the pictures on and wall, he even noticed a picture of Harry and Louis when they we're younger

Harry was sitting on Louis' lap and they we're both smiling. Well Louis looked as if he was laughing and Harry had the fondest smile on his face, that made Zayn smile too

It's been a week and Zayn already felt like he fit in with Louis and Harry. They were really fun to be around and he even got to sleep with them sometimes. When Harry would be asleep, he and Louis would play little pranks on him

He remembers when Louis had put toothpaste on Harry's eyebrow, in the midst of it Harry had woken up so Louis and Zayn had to run out the room before he could catch him.

Of course Louis got scolded at but it was funny how Louis would make faces at Harry when he was grumpy

He quietly climbed back down the steps, once he gets off the steps he walks into the kitchen.

He peeks in slightly, noticing Harry was the only one in the kitchen sitting at the table. He walks in slowly, waving a little

Harry looks up from the newspaper, "Hey Zayn, did you enjoy your nap?" Zayn nods a little, "Yesh" he says, rubbing his eyes

"You hungry? I can make you a sandwich if you want?" Zayn nods a little, "Pwease?" Harry smiles getting up, "Alright, peanut butter and jelly?"

Zayn nods stepping on the stool to climb into the kitchen chair. He sat there for a while looking towards the doorway, "Where Lou?"

Harry turns to smile at him, "He went to work, but he'll be back soon" "You do dat too?"

"Work?" Harry asks, placing the small plate in front of him. Zayn nods, picking up the sandwich taking a small bite.

"Well I work in a studio, do you know what that is?" Zayn shakes his head, "No" "Well I help people make music, do you like music?"

Zayn nods, "It pwetty" Harry chuckles, "Yeah I help make it, maybe one day I'll show you. Would you like that?"

Zayn nods wiping the peanut butter from his mouth, "Ahuh" Harry grins, "Cool, well when Louis comes back we'll be going shopping" Zayn frowns, "Fo what?"

"Clothes! We have to get you some new clothes, everything in your little bag is really big on you" Harry says making Zayn's cheeks turn red.

"Otay" "It'll be fun, you get to pick out anything you want" "You sure?" Zayn asks, frowning slightly.

"Of course, don't worry bub" Zayn nods, "Otay, finish" he says, pushing his plate away.

"Good job, you want to go outside for a to wait for Lou?" Harry asks, placing the plate in the sink. Harry helps Zayn out the chair, he smiled when the small boy took his hand following him.

"You have pwetty house" Zayn says as Harry opens the front door for him. "Aw thank you buddy, you're so polite. You should teach Louis some things"

Zayn smiles wrinkling his nose, "Otay, he burp all da time" "I know, Louis' gross" "I like burp, I man"

"Your a little man" he says making Zayn pout. "I gonna be big like you, like a giwaffe"

"Oh yeah?" Zayn nods, "Ellie say so" he says sitting on the steps.

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