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Zayn grips onto Eleanor's hand, watching a big black car pull up infront of them. "Hello, sorry we're late. This one had taken the wrong way" Harry says loudly from the passenger seat, sending Louis a glare.

Louis gets out the car, ignoring his husband. "Hi Eleanor, hi Zayn" he says extending a hand to the boy. Zayn smiles shaking it, "Hi" he says quietly.

"I've got a car seat for you, it might be a little big but safe" he says opening the back door. He opened it wider for Zayn to lean over to look inside, it was biggest car he has ever seen.

"Here lemme help you" Louis says about to pick up Zayn but he backs away into Eleanor leg.

"It's alright Zayn, I'm coming with you. Let Louis help you inside" she says rubbing his back with reassurance.

Zayn looked back to louis, he thought the man would not want to be his friend anymore because he backed away.

But he was smiling at him softly, "C'mere, I got you" he says soothingly.

Zayn slowly extends his arms up for Louis to pick him up, he looked back to Eleanor to make sure she was still there when Louis placed him inside the car seat.

"There, that wasn't so bad was it?" Louis asks, buckling him in. Zayn shook his head, "Sowweh" he says quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

Louis looks up at him, "It's okay bud, I understand. You don't have to be scared anymore. Harry and I aren't going to hurt you, we promise" he whispers reassuringly.

Zayn nods, he liked Louis' eyes. They were a very pretty blue, that was one of his favorite colors. Louis made him feel safe, he liked Louis.

Louis moves out the way helping Eleanor inside before getting back in the driver's seat.

Harry turns around to smile at the boy, "Hi Zee," he says making Zayn wave. "You look cute today, I like your shirt" he says pointing to Zayn's batman shirt.

"Tank yous" he says smiling fondly at his shirt, batman was his favorite superhero out of all of them. He wanted to be just like him and not be scared anymore.

As they begin to drive Zayn looked out the window at the orphanage, the moving houses turning into the highway. He's never been this far out before, he liked seeing the large palm trees.

"Has Zayn ever been out this far before?" Harry asks Eleanor who shakes her head. "Oh no, this is his first time. I think he likes it already" she says smiling at the three year old looking out the window.

Zayn noticed the large beach with the ocean view, the last time the orphanage went to the beach he stayed with Eleanor the whole time.

He didn't like any of the other children, they never let him play with them. He just stayed with Eleanor playing in the sand since he doesn't like water.

"Here we are!" Harry exclaims making Zayn look out the window. Cheyenne's Creamery, he looked at the pretty pink colors on the large building with the icecream cone on the top of it.

"This place is so amazing" Harry says getting out the car, as well as Louis.

Zayn watched as Eleanor unbuckles her seatbelt so he does he, but his little fingers can't get it to unlock.

The toddler tries again starting to whine, he didn't want them to leave and eat icecream without him.

Suddenly his side of the door opens and Louis unbuckles the clasp for him, "Having a hard time there?" Zayn blushes extending his arms for Louis to pick him up.

"S'alright, I won't tell anyone" Louis says setting Zayn on the ground. It was really sunny and it hurt his eyes, he covers them whining. "Want my sunglasses?" Louis asks closing the door.

Before Zayn could shake his head, Louis places the large black shades on his face. "There you go, you look cool man" he says as Eleanor and Harry walk over.

"Aw look at you, you're a little Louis" Eleanor says making Zayn smile, showing off his little teeth.

He takes her outstretched hand following behind Harry and Louis into the shop. He noticed them holding hands, he didn't know boys could hold hands.

He saw a boy from the orphanage do that with another boy but they got hit by the big bullies. He didn't like the big bullies, but they wouldn't beat up Louis and Harry.

He wouldn't let them.

Zayn walks into the dim shop looking around, it wasn't really a lot of people in here. He takes off his sunglasses staring at the display of icecream

He gasps walking towards it pointing, "Icecweam!" He shouts making Harry smile. "Which one do you want?" He asks bending down next to him.

Zayn looks around, immediately pointing to the vanilla. Harry nods, "Alright, why don't you found a booth with Eleanor and we'll bring your icecream"

The boy nods taking the woman's hand dragging her to the booths in the back. Louis couldn't help but cover his mouth to laugh, it was adorable seeing someone as small as Zayn pull someone that was a lot bigger than him.

"I think it's going well, he seems happy with us" Harry says looking at the menu. "Yeah, well after this when we take him back to the orphanage could we go to ikea?"

"For what?" "I think we should get started on his room, won't be long until he's out of that place I think" Louis whispers.

Harry grins, "Yeah let's do that" They discussed briefly about the type of room they were going to create Zayn as they walk over.

"Here you go buddy" Harry says placing the little ice cream sundae in front of him.
MZayn eyes widen looking at the icecream that looked like bear. It has to small cookies for ears and chocolate chips for the nose and eyes.

Then it was whipped cream everywhere. "You like it? My little brother gets this all the time when we come here" Louis says handing Eleanor her strawberry icecream she asked for.

After an hour of talking, Louis smiles watching Zayn devour his icecream. "Well someone was hungry" he says making Zayn look up at them, ice cream around his mouth.

They all laugh making him feel shy. He let Harry wipe his face clean before he continued eating, he was determined to finishes the whole thing.

"So when do you think we'll be able to y'know" Harry asks glancing at Zayn who was munching on the cookies distractedly.

"Well I'll have to talk to him and see if he wants too. It looks like he likes you guys a lot"

"Hey Zayn, do you like hanging out with Harry and Louis?" Eleanor asks, looking down at the small boy. Zayn nods rubbing his eyes, "Yesh" he says simply.

"You think you'd like to see us all the time?" Harry asks. Zayn nods once again looking at them two men, "Yesh" he repeats before fiddling with his sandals.

Louis and Harry exchange a smile before nodding. "Alright" Zayn wasn't sure what they were talking about, all he knew is that he did enjoy being with Harry and Louis.

He wishes they were his family, but they wouldn't want him. His old mommy and daddy said that nobody would want him and that made him sad.

Maybe they could be bestfriends? They could visit him all the time, then they wouldn't forget about him.

He felt a little sleepy, he rubs his eyes a little feeling all full. He laid his head on the table, closing his eyes.

Zayn had fell asleep, Louis had carried him to the car. He loved carrying the small angel, even though he was light.

It didn't matter, having the small boy in his arms was everything to him.

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