Missing Identity:

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“We saw her on the news last night.” Georg explained to the twins, “She was reported missing for two weeks.”

“And now here she is laying half-dead on our couch and we can’t take her to the hospital!!” Bill interjected.

“Mon didn’t do this on purpose did he?” Tom asked.

The suitcase last night doesn’t have a number combination.” Bill remembered and stared at the woman. She has a long scar along her neck and it seems she was going to be cut open. “So maybe it was when the main was smoked! Someone got it changed!”

“Possibly. This Markova could be some special person.” Tom commented as they looked at her once again.

“So we’ll just watch her die?” Bill asked as he took a wet towel from the bathroom and started wiping her bloody face.

“I’m texting my cousin right now. He says he’s here in Berlin.” Georg said, “And he’s on his way.”

Fashion photographer and music enthusiast Phoeia Breaux stood on the balcony of her small mansion and smiled at the admiring view of the Palace of Versailles from her left.

“Oh my, what a morning.” She said, “Suteki.”

She went inside to take her camera and took a picture of the admiring view.

A woman of thirty three years, Phoeia has everything a woman of her age can think of; a promising career, a car and a fancy house. All she doesn’t have is a man to fill her house with love. It was only five years ago when she was wearing a wedding, and now it’s gone. Her husband divorced her for not being the responsible and caring wife that he told her to be because she didn’t quit her job as a photographer and seldom stays at home to watch over their kid named Gaia.

Fortunately, she won custody over Gaia and gave her a well-deserved life. But she still neglects the kid most of the time.

By the looks of it, Phoeia is fearless. No one tells her what to do. And that is the very reason why no one bothered asking her about her ways of raising her daughter.

She heard her phone ringing and quickly went inside to answer it.


“Um, this is Mijin.”

“Yes Mijin, anything wrong?”

“I was just wondering, any news about Aleithea?”

“One of my informants said that her body which is inside a suitcase got switched with Bill Kaulitz’s luggage last night at the mansion. Mon said it was destiny.”

“Oh c’mon!! That’s Aleithea!!” IT’S THE LADY BOSS FOR PETE’S SAKE!! ARE YOU GUYS NUTS?!”

“Well don’t ask me, I was just relaying orders.”

“I thought I was going to bomb the south wing because someone there is going to get her body back!”

“Nope. No one can think of a safe place around Germany where she can stay. Mon here on the other hand said that celebrities are the least suspicious. Their desperate need for privacy is just perfect for our situation. Aleithea will be just fine.”

“Does her father already know that she’s alive?”

“Yes. He said to cut all connections with her daughter. It was for the best option for the mean time. Anytime she’ll be back to normal.”

“Oh I see. Who found her in Stuttgart anyway?”

“Jayrah and group from the Black Dragon Society stationed there. Jayrah reported that she was going to be disembodied there.”

“Oh my gosh! I want to see her!!”

“Cool down Mijin. She’ll be fine. Let’s hope for the best. Even I myself see this plan as nonsense. I don’t know with Mon. He’s quite a nutcase.”

“Yeah. I’ll just try to sneak in their mansion in Magdeburg to see her.”

“I know you would.” Phoeia said as she hung up.

The German Mafia was established in the late 1940’s after the war. The boss was half Italian and half German. He thought it would be nice to get some hungry men to serve him and his business that he inherited from his late Italian grandfather. He knew that anyone who is hungry will do anything for money. As expected, the business grew ad spread all over Germany. They are in every street in Germany dealing business. In 1989, the second-generation boss had a daughter whom he named Aleithea Markova. She would be then the third-generation boss.

But recently, two weeks ago, she was kidnapped by a group of men who were also members of the group. They want to get back at the boss who took them out. Kidnapping her only daughter and killing her was their only idea. The boss loves her daughter so much and she was the only way that could make him surrender and take them back. At first, Aleithea was able to defend herself. But she was shot with tranquilizer from the back and knocked her down unconscious,

The men were aware the many have seen them in Magdeburg; they went to Stuttgart to disembody and bury her there.

Luckily, the Black Dragon Society, which was a special division under the German Mafia cornered them there and they were able to retrieve Aleithea before it was too late.

Karl Listing checked on her vital signs again. If she doesn’t regain consciousness within two days they will be forced to take her to the hospital. It was already nine in the evening and the four boys watched.

“So how’s she doing?” Georg asked.

“Nothing different. All are normal. I wish she regains consciousness now, it’s more dangerous to take her to the hospital.”

“What do you mean more dangerous.” Bill asked.

Karl looked at them with worried face, “She’s Aleithea Markova, the third-generation boss of the German Mafia.”

Silence filled the room as they stared at each other.

“Karl, how did you know?” Georg said, “And there’s really such thing as a German mafia?”

“I’m the newly hired family doctor. Their family doctor who was my senior just died telling me all these things. And I was introduced to them.”

Karl was about to say something when they heard her moan.

She opened her eyes.

“Oh thank god she’s alive.” Bill sighed as she stared at them.

“Okay, umm, Aleithea, do you remember what happened?” Karl asked.

“Aleithea?” she asked back as she tried to sit up on the couch. “Who’s that? Where am I?”

Karl deeply sighed as he turned to the boys. “Guys, I think she has amnesia.”

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