Truth or Dare: Chapter 35

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***A/N: Sorry for the late upload!  I've been just so busy lately, and it's been an overall bad week (although this weekend was AMAZING).  Anyways, I'll most definitely try and upload more ASAP

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You taught me how to love; you taught me how to live; you taught me how to laugh; you taught me how to cry, but when you left, you forgot to teach me how to forget you.  ~ Hendie


That was all he said.  A single word that has no definite meaning; a word that is used to explain something but had no definition in itself.  

“Because?  Because what?”  I managed to choke out.

He met my gaze reluctantly and hesitated, “Well--”

“Just tell me,”  I cut in a bit sharper than I had expected.  He flinched back ever so slightly but still didn’t open his mouth to talk.  “I know this has to do with Ever,” I repeated after a moment of silence, more to myself than anyone else.

“I know you have an idea,”  he finally responded.

“How close were you guys?”  My heartbeat pounded in my ears as I waited nervously for his response.  Why didn’t I ask him this question earlier?  Before I felt any feelings for him at all?  Biting my lips nervously, I closed my eyes and took in several deep breathes, trying my best but to no avail to calm my anxiety.

“Close.”  That was it; a one worded response that came out more of a whisper than an actual voice.  

Taking in a shaky breath, I prepared myself to state what I thought was happening.  Deep inside, I hoped against all odds that this was true.  I held onto the slim hope, the tiny sliver of hope that was slowly but surely escaping my grasp, that this was all a dream.  If not a dream, than a nightmare.  Or a joke.  It could very well be a joke.

In fact, the more I repeated it to myself, the more it sounded correct.  Yes, this was most definitely a joke.  I guess it was that single thought that propelled me to have the courage to say what I said next.

“Let me guess,”  I said, trying my best to loose the shakiness that had found its way into my voice, “Ever said she’ll do something if you didn’t break up with me.”

The dead silence that followed my statement should have given it away.  It did give it away.  My breath caught in my throat as I heard no signs of denial.  None at all.

“Maybe,”  he finally said quietly.

“Oh?”  I sank deeper onto the bench, my mind numb with thoughts of denial.  No, I thought bitterly to myself, no, this isn’t suppose to happen.

“She,”  he took in a shaky breath, “she said she would never talk to me again and leave the group forever if I didn’t break up with you.”

A simple, “Oh?” was all I could manage.  How do you respond to that?  “I see.”  No, I didn’t see.  I didn’t get it at all.

“Yea,”  he said after a moment of silence.  I turned back to face him, only to pretend to be far interested in something far off into the distance in order to avoid the bittersweet gaze he was giving me right now.

“Well,” I racked my brain to say something.  To blurt out something.  To tell him what a big jerk he was for choosing someone else over me.  But that all sounded too selfish in my mind; too wrong for the moment.  “I guess you should then.”

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