Truth or Dare: Chapter 36

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***A/N: Again, I WILL try and upload as much as I can but it's getting harder the more into the school year we progress.  But, hey, plenty of breaks are coming up-- so good thing right?

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By the way, dedicated to ReadingFanatic27 for seriously coming up with a rant so funny I was LOL-ing about it (and still am-- even several days later).  Thanks for making my day every single time I come on Wattpad ^-^  And thanks for the AMAZING banner on the side >>  


The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. So take the bitter pain but always remember there are sweet times in the future. Sometimes it is good to look into the future and not dwell too much on the present.  ~Unknown(with a bit of Me)

“Huh?”  I looked at him in confusion.

“Let’s go on a ride,” he grinned at me.

“Is that your attempt to get my mind off of things?”  I asked amusedly, feeling my worries fade away ever so slightly.

“No!”  he said pretending to sound offensive.

“That means yes.”

“N. O. means no,” with that, he dragged me to my feet despite my protests.  “Come on, we don’t have all day.  I mean, look at that line.”  Groaning in reluctance, I followed in suit eyeing the line he was pointing at.  The line for Peter Pan’s Flight.

Correction: the line with hardly any people in it.

I raised an eyebrow at his choice in which he returned with a smirk, “You’re not scared, are you?”  he said in a teasing voice.

“Are you kidding--”

“Great.”  With great flourish, he marched me over to the line.  It didn’t escape my notice that everyone in this line were around the age of six and younger.  Feeling a slight blush creep into my cheeks, I pulled back slightly before realizing that our hands were interlocked.  For a second, I felt my cheeks heat up even more if possible as I gawked at his hands.  How the--

Shaking my head, I felt a slight feeling of anger surge back into me as the realization brought me back to reality that included the reality that I had tried so hard to hide up.  The break up.  Biting my lips, I shook my head ever so slightly, taking in deep breaths to prevent myself from bawling. 

“Hey, Kylie?”  Blake said more in a tone that demanded me to look up at him.  Hesitantly, I brought my gaze up to his, peering deeply into his bright green eyes.  “Just forget about him, okay?”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, was I that easy to read?  “I wasn’t thinking of him,”  I finished lamely which earned me a skeptical look.

“Sure,”  he dragged out in a disbelieving tone.  Huffing, I stomped towards the ride’s entrance, ignoring his smirk and trying to get Ethan out of my mind.  Unfortunately, his name stuck to my mind like that persistent piece of gum left on the bottom of the desk for too long: sticky, gross, but irremovable.

“Stupid name,”  I muttered under my breath.

“What did you say?”  

“Nothing,”  I mumbled, trying my best to put in a smile when we reached the front of the line.  I attempted to grin at the person in the front, but he must have seen plenty of tear-drawn girls on Peter Pan’s Flight because he sent me a sympathetic look that didn’t go unnoticed to Blake.

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