Chapter 10

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Ozzie and I spend a few hours just messing around at the beach, chatting and agreeing on the awesomeness of The Beatles. It turns out to be twelve o'clock.
"Man, I'm starving. Can I take you out for something to eat?" He gestures in the general direction of the street overlooking the beach.
I ponder over his wording.
"Like... A date?"
He whips round, holding his hands up. "No, no! I'm super gay, don't worry."
"You're gay?"
"How do you do that? Doesn't your mum hate it?"
"No..? Why would she? She loves me for who I am. And my Dad left when I was born, the bastard."
"My mum won't let me be gay."
Ozzie freezes. "What? That's ridiculous!"
I bite my lip, and taste blood. He wrinkles his nose.
"Penny, you do whatever you want. Fuck your mum. Not literally! You're... what, eighteen? Nineteen? A legal adult! Move out, or something. Get a job and do your own shit."
"I'm eighteen in three days."
"Oh, what are you doing for your birthday?"
"Blowing bubbles."
"I see... where do you want to go for lunch?"
We've reached the street. "I don't know. I don't mind. I don't like food."
I shouldn't have let that slip.
"You don't like food?! I love food!"
"Yeah... I, uh... I'm on a diet."
"Huh? You're like, super fit. I'm into guys and even I know that!"

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