Chapter 18

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I wake up to a face full of soft, golden hair.
Did I take someone home last night? God damn it, I promised Mickey I'd only do that on Thursdays. Wait, what day is it? Who is this?
A pounding, relentless headache worms its way into my forehead and I groan quietly.
The owner of the hair rolls off of me and I blink, rubbing my eyes.
Oh, it's Penny. Did I sleep with Penny?!
I do a quick check under the covers - nope, she's clothed. I take a minute to appreciate the exposure of her legs due to the shorts.
Mickey happens to be lying on the floor, face down and snoring loudly. What the Hell is going on?
All of a sudden she sits bolt upright. "What the fuck?!"
Then she covers her mouth, eyes wide.
I don't think I've ever heard her swear and for some reason, I find it hilarious. I burst out laughing and roll over, clutching my sides - ending up falling off the bed, onto Mickey.
"It's always been my dream to wake up to boobs in my face, but not when there's bones simultaneously sticking into my stomach!" He picks me up with ease and chucks me off his chest.
I rub my arm.
"I didn't mean to swear!" Penny throws the cover of the bed onto the floor and stumbles to the door. "Why does my head hurt? Lucy, did you give me alcohol?"
I chuckle. "I'll get you some painkillers, honey. Don't get your knickers in a twist."
She wrinkles her nose. "I can't. I'm not wearing any."
That's when Mickey decides to yawn, sit up and grab my face in his hands. He squishes my cheeks like I'm 3 years old.
"You are so red right now, Luce. It's adorable."
"I am not. Fuck off. I don't care about Penny's clothes!" I shove him away and try to crawl to the kitchen.
I do not succeed. He has a hold of my ankle.
"You care about getting her out of them!"

"Lucy, I want some bubbles."
I'm standing at the cupboard, trying to find something suitable for breakfast. I don't even know what the time is.
I feel a couple of warm, skinny arms snake around my waist.
"Bubbles, Lucy."
Penny leans her head against my shoulder and continues to mumble into me.
Mickey saunters into the room.
"You guys are so cute, honestly. I ship you! Holy fuck, your name can be Pussy! You know like, first letter of Penny's name and the rest of Lucy's!"
I untangle myself and punch him.
"Ow! What?!" He giggles mischievously and darts over to the kettle.
Penny envelopes me once more before I can chase him.
I ponder over whether to escape again; I mean, it is very enjoyable being in a cage of Penny. She's smooth and cuddly, not to mention the fact I can feel her chest and -
"You're blushing again, you horny little fucker!" Mickey doubles over with his deep man laugh.
I spin around, still in Penny's arms, and hug her back. Tightly.
I give Mickey the finger.
She snuggles into my neck, unaware.
Abruptly, there's a ringtone I don't recognise coming from the bedroom.
"Phone," Penny mutters. "I bet it's my mum."
Biting my lip, I glance at Mickey. He looks thoughtfully out of the window, forehead creased in a frown.

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