Chapter 16

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I forgot my apartment key.
I shudder as I reach up to the doorbell and brush away a cobweb.
There are some creaking floorboards, and the click of the lock. Penny is leaning against my shoulder, and I think we're both pretty wasted; she didn't want to go home in case her parents were angry at her for drinking.
"Hey, Luce. I was wondering where you'd got to - it's pretty late. Ooh, look who's here!" Mickey raises an eyebrow and purses his lips, cradling his steaming cup.
I glare and shove him in the chest. "Move. I'm tired."
He bends his head as I pass, and whispers something so quiet that only I can hear.
"The object of your desire!"
I try to slap his face but my fingers just brush his chin.
"Oh my God, you guys are absolutely mortal. Have you eaten?"
"Some stuff." I stumble towards my room, tugging Penny by her arm.
"Fuck's sake. Young people these days!" Mickey grins.
"Where are we?" Penny mumbles. She mutters something else, then trips up and grabs my waist for support.
Mickey spits his drink out, choking on laughter. "Narnia."
"I don't like the Ice Queen," In an instant, I sense the fear in Penny's voice. "She's... Like my mum. My mum likes the cold, Lucy. She likes the colour blue, sometimes. I like bubbles."
I wrap an arm round her shoulder and locate the handle to my door.
Mickey coughs. "If you go at it, don't be too loud. I wanna sleep. Actually, screw that - be as loud as you can, it's super hot." I hear him thump down on the sofa and flick on some TV show.
There's no energy to yell at him.

"Lucy..." Penny stands uncertainly at the foot of my bed as I tumble onto it, face first. The only light is the pale luminosity of streetlights through blinds.
The pillow is so comfortable..
She doesn't budge. "Isn't it, like, sexual?"
I blink. "What, honey?"
"Sharing a bed."
Rolling my eyes, I twist onto my back and sit up.
"Are you tired, Penny?"
"Well come here, then!"
I take hold of her hand and yank her down. She doesn't put up much of a fight, she just kind of... Flops. On top of me.
The warmth of her body is flush against mine, her thighs either side of my hips. Her face is inches from mine - the blue of her eyes is so gorgeous, it almost hurts.
It's when her eyes flicker to my lips that I almost lose control and rip off her clothes.
Using all the strength I can muster, I transfer her from my body and onto the bed.
I sit up, turn to the edge of the mattress and stand up. The room spins.
I need to brush my teeth and change what I'm wearing. There's sand allover my jeans and shirt.

When I return, my mouth tastes like toothpaste. I've changed into a vest and pyjama trousers.
Penny is curled up under the duvet on my bed, blonde hair spread across the sheets. I slip into the other side.
She opens her eyes. "Lucy."
I study her face - the dent in her chin, the arch of her eyebrows, the point of her nose.
"Do you want to kiss me?"
I blink. "Why?"
She smiles slightly, and shuffles closer to me. I feel my face heat up.
Penny raises her hand, and reaches for my face. She traces my cheekbones, my jawline and my chin.
Her thumb runs over my bottom lip, and I shiver.
Suddenly she's kissing me, and it's the most gentle kiss I've ever had. My last girlfriend had this thing where she took her anger out through sex, so I usually ended up with bruises.
I don't think Penny has ever given anyone a bruise.
Penny's lips are warm and soft - I don't want to leave them.
But she breaks the contact.
I frown, and she giggles.
"I like that," she says, absently nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. "I don't like Greg. I don't like his weird beard thing or his arms or what he does or how he touches me. But I like you."
Her arm snakes around my side as she fits herself into me.
"I like you, too. Penny... What did Greg do to you?"
She stiffens.
"You don't have to answer," I assure her, feeling like I might've pried.
"No, it's okay. He... He did what you learn in biology. It did hurt." She sniffs.
I hold her closer.

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