Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may only scare me- Chapter 13

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"I will save you, don't worry my love."
Your eyelids shot up as you felt the bed loose some weight. You looked over to your left to see Wilford walking around the bed. You sat up on the bed carefully while wrapping the baby blue blanket around your chest.

Wilford shot a quick glance at you before picking up your cloths that we're currently on the ground. Well, technically just your bra, panties, and hospital gown. He then snapped his fingers. Your clothes quickly disintegrated into ashes. He snapped his fingers again. The ashes then suddenly floated upwards. He waved his hand sideways. The ashes then flung out of the window, that was apparently open, and fell to the ground below. He looked back at you and smiled.

"Good morning. How was your slumber?" He asked. "Fine. But I kind of wish that I can have clothes to wear today." You said with a little bit of annoyance in your voice. Wilford rolled his eyes. "Stand up." He demanded. You looked at him like he had two heads. "I said, stand up." He demanded again. He looked away for a second before looking back at you. "Not like that. Keep the blanket around your chest." He informed. You slightly nodded your head before sliding out of the bed and standing before him in just the raggedy blanket. He suddenly snapped his fingers. Your hand wasn't holding up a blanket anymore. You looked down to see a long, silky, strapless, pink dress. Of course. You thought as you put your hand down by your side. Just then, the doctor walked in.

Wilfords body turned into smoke for a second. Once the smoke disappeared, he was Dark. Well, he looked like Dark. The doctor didn't seem to notice the transfiguration. He walked past Wilford and over towards his desk.

"Y/N, good morning. How do you feel?" The doctor asked. "Fine." You mumbled. The doctor turned around and examined you. "I see that you already changed. That is quite a beautiful dress." He stated while smiling. You smiled back slightly and said quietly, "thank you". The doctor walked over to you and checked everything. He pulled down the zipper on the back of your dress a little to check the wound that was currently wrapped in gauze. He moved the gauze down a little before moving it back up.

"Your wound seems to be doing well. So, you could leave today. We will give you medication so that the wound doesn't bother you that much. But if you start to suffer from any unusual pain, then call me. I'll check to see if anything happened to the wound. And finally, your next appointment should be next month. Okay?" He explained. You nodded your head and grinned. "I understand. Thank you, Doctor LeRanso." You said. Doctor LeRanso smiled before saying, "Have a nice day", and exiting the room.

Wilford looked over at you and nodded his head. "Let's go." He instructed. You walked past him and out the door. He followed behind you and closed the door before walking down the hallway. You followed behind him until he stopped. You looked around to see that you were now in the main lounge. He walked up to the front desk and started to talk to the nurse. You decided to go sit down and wait for him. You examined the seating arrangement and found out that the only place you could sit was next to a little girl.  Every other seat was full of either children with their parents or adults waiting for something to be checked out.

You walked over to the chair next to the little girl and sat down. You looked around the lounge until you were interrupted by a small voice saying, "What's your name?" You looked to your left to see the little girl looking at you with a smile on her face. You smiled back slightly and replied, 
"Y/N." "That's a cute name. My name is Lillian. But people just call me Lily." She said. You nodded your head while examining her. Nothing looked wrong with her. "Why are you at the hospital, Lily?" You asked curiously. She sighed before answering. "I have this thing called a tumor. This is, like, my 50th time visiting the hospital." She informed. You nodded your head slightly and looked down at your lap.

"Why are you here?" She asked. You didn't bother to look at her as you answered. "I was stabbed." Lillian's eyes suddenly widened. "By who?" She asked. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You slightly looked up to see Wilford. "By a man who you could call Lucifer." You said. Lillian glanced at Wilford, who was still in the form of Dark, before looking back at you. "Like the devil?" She whispered. You looked up at Wilford who was now smiling at Lillian. "Exactly." He said. Lillian nodded her head and grinned before looking back at you. "Good luck. Make sure Lucifer doesn't stab you again." She stated. You nodded your head and smiled. "Don't worry, little one. I won't harm her in any way." Wilford explained while you stood up. Lillian nodded her head before mumbling the words, "Good."

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