The End Of All Things- Chapter 17

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Your eyes widened as you stared at Wilford. Crap. You thought as you started to back away. His face suddenly calmed down and his frown turned into a smirk. "So, you think that you can actually trick me, huh Dark?" Wilford stated as he stared at you. Dark chuckled. "Of course." Wilford then snapped his fingers. SexyMark suddenly came up behind Dark and pinned his arms behind his back. "Other Marks, get the other Marks." Wilford demanded as he started to walk over to you.

"Will, she's mine. You can't take her away from me. We are practically partners now." Dark explained as Wilford walked up to you. He placed his cold hand on your cheek and lightly stroked your cheek with his thumb. "I know, Dark. I just witnessed it. But that doesn't mean that..." He stopped stroking your cheek and moved his hand down to your waist before continuing. "The wife could become a widow." You gasped and backed away a little. You knew what his plan was. And your plan was to destroy it.

You started to look around the garden to find a weapon. Where is the knife to the wedding cake when you need it? You thought as you looked over at the wedding cake to find no knife. "Looking for this?" Wilford asked as he took a large knife out from his pocket on his jacket. You looked at the knife with wide eyes. "Wilford...please...don't do this..." You begged as Wilford slowly turned around and started to walk towards Dark. "He did so many bad things. So many things that deserve a punishment." Wilford stated. You shook your head before doing the thing that you had been waiting to do. Tackle Wilford.

You threw your body at his back and made him fall to the ground. When he hit the ground, the knife fell out of his hand and onto the floor, just a few mere inches away from your grasp. He quickly turned around under your body, which you thought was a mistake. You took ahold of his wrists and pinned them above his head. You breathed heavily as you stared down at Wilford, who still had that stupid, evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Well done, baby girl." Wilford said in a seductive tone. You blushed lightly from the nickname but never let go of your grasp on his wrists. "If only you used those techniques in a good way." He sighed. You looked at him with a confused face. "What do you mean?" You asked, slightly frustrated with his words. "I mean that Dark has done bad. Yet, you think that he has done good. He isn't a hero, nor a good guy. He's evil. Pure evil." Wilford informed. You struggled to keep your grasp on his wrists, for you did not know what to believe.

God, why do his words hurt me? You thought as you felt a weird feeling in your stomach. "All I can say is that my words are knives and often leave scars." Wilford stated. You rolled your eyes at his statement before looking down at him. "I can't trust you." You said. He chuckled. "Fine." He challenged before kicking his knee up. It kicked you straight in your tailbone and sent you tumbling over his body and head. He quickly got up and yelled, "Let Darks destiny be his fate!" You looked over at him before looking down at the crowd. Most of them looked shocked or terrified. Some of them looked actually excited with the fact that Dark was about to die.

You growled before quickly getting up and charging at Wilford. He was about the plunge the knife into Dark's chest before you suddenly tackled him to the ground again. He smiled wickedly before saying, "So, that's how you wanna play, huh?" You weren't holding him down, you were just on top of him. So, he had a good opportunity to grab you. And that is exactly what he did. He grabbed your wrists and stood up, you standing up as well, and pulled you over towards the table with the cake. He then pushed your body forward and kicked your back, which caused you to tumble into the table.

The upper half of your body was literally covered in cake. Your hair, your face, your chest, some on your back and some on your waist. You quickly backed away, but when you did, the heel on your shoes broke and you fell backwards, only to be caught by Wilford. He snickered before leaning down and kissing your forehead. "Delicious." He stated once he rose his head back up. You snarled and tried to kick him, but you failed. He chuckled before releasing his arms from your body, causing you to drop to the ground. You gaped for air for a moment before finally going on a steady pace for breathing.

Something dangerous- Darkiplier X reader sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora