The boy from the past.

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Laxus POV

Just then the door was kicked open........... in the door way was a blonde haired boy with a scar over his one eye.  "Sting! WHY THE H**L ARE YOU HERE!" Lucy yelled.  How does my sister know this boy?  "I came for a rematch." was all Sting said "and why do you want to fight my sister" i asked.  Sting just looked shocked after he said that "he's the boy from from my past Laxus well one of them any way. " lucy said to me "Also sting that was six years ago and i bet i am still going to kick your a** so your on." lucy said again as she walked outside followed by Sting, Gramps, and my self.  the rest of the guild was still in a state of shock that Lucy took on another fight but thi time it looks like someone from another guild. 

when we got outside gramps put a barrier around lucy and sting "AND FIGHT!" i yelled.  sting started the fight "roar of the light dragon" he yelled. a laser comes out of his mouth and it was  aimed a Lucy. 

sting POV

i started the fight with "raor of the light dragon" a laser comes out of my mouth and is aimed at Lucy.  when the dust clears Lucy is no where to be found.  "Magic Wings Butterflix!" i hear being yelled over me. how can she move so fast? Lucy changes into a multicoloured dress with black heals and she has a black butterfly pattern on the dress with a black butterfly pin in her hair that is pulled back into a low pony going into a braid. she also has black rounded wings with a triangle with a circle and a line in it. (the deathly hallows symbol.  not mine J.K. Rowlling's) "Lucy fairy of all" Lucy shouted then the unexpected happened  "Musical screech!" she yells and a screeching sound comes out of no where "Ahhhhhhh!" i scream.  The sound also makes the "brother" cover his ears as well.  

"how!  light dragons hammer!" i shout and attack her but she just stops the attack with her hand.  "magic wings! Dragonix!" Lucy yells. now lucy is in a multicloloured top and mini skirt and matching shoes.  her hair was in a high pony tail with multicoloured streaks and her wings changed into dragons wings with the same symbols as on her last wings. her hands changed into dragon claws that go up to her elbows (they are black) "Crystal dragons roar!" Lucy shouts.  Im finished.  

Lucy POV

i change into my dragon form.  "Crystal dragons roar!" i yell and he's knocked out.  i land a change back to normal. "tsh. I told you i would kick your a**" i said as i walked back to grampa and laxus "that was great you beat his a** in a couple minutes." laxus said "yea i know. he got stronger but he still lost" i say and then i pass out from finally using up too much energy. 

Laxus POV 

  "yea i know. he got stronger but he still lost" Lucy says and then she passes out from finally using up too much energy. i catch her before she hits the ground and i carry her to the infirmary and layed her on a bed to let her sleep.  i walk back out and the whole guild looks at me worriedly "shes not hurt she just used up too much engery." i told them gruffly and then i walked to the bar and had a drink while waiting for lucy to wake up.

sorry if the chapter was short but thats all i got for now please forgive me. *the stupid "p" wont work for me again today*  

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