Family part 2

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Lucy's P.O.V.

It has been two hours and Laxus, grandpa and i have not stopped talking. they have informed me for what i have missed even thought i saw everything that was going on while i was in my coma. but they don't need to know that part.  "gramps, Laxus what do you say about playing cards. Or one of you could grab me the wheel chair seeing as both of you don't want me to stand up from this bed." I say to them

Grandpa and Laxus started arguing with me over weather or not I am allowed to get out of this bed. finally I yelled at them " GET ME OUT OF THIS BED! PLEASE!"  that got their attention. so Laxus finally complied and got the wheel chair. he carefully lifted me out of the infirmary bed and into the chair where gramps covered me with a blanket and then the three of us left the room to surprise the rest of the guild.

Once in the main guild hall I yelled "HELLO FAIRY TAIL!" the entire guild hall stopped what they were doing and stared at me before shouting "LUCY!" the guild ran up and formed a big circle around me.

"don't ever do that to us again" one guild member said while another shouted "YOU HAD US WORRIED!" 

but then i said to all of them "I could never leave my family. it's not possible for me to split ways from all of you."

Laxus P.O.V.

Lucy is just amazing. She knows how to handle a situation like a pro and also she is the best baby sister i could have ever asked for.  what surprises me the most is when Lucy says  "I could never leave my family. It's not possible for me to split ways from all of you."  this is probably the best thing she could ever see. only because when she was in her coma i swear i saw Bickslow flinch everytime he saw a spirit around the guild hall. now normally we would never see Bickslow flinch or be shocked by a spirit. and if there even was a spirit in the guild hall Bickslow would tell us.

"Lucy I will be right back" I whisper in her ear then walk away before she could ask me any questions. as I am walking I grab Bickslow and pull him up the second floor. "Bickslow for the past month have you been keeping something from me?" i ask abruptly "Noo........" he starts but I give him my scariest glare. "okay, okay, I have been keeping something from you and the master. for the past month I saw Lucy's soul walking around. she was trying to get everyone's attention but we all walked past her not seeing or knowing. I only kept it a secret because she did not know I use spirit magic. If she did i would have let her talk and get messages to everyone. But now she is back with us in the flesh and not stuck in limbo." Bickslow explains to me . 

"fine" i say a bit stern "but next time you should tell someone when you see a guild mate stuck in limbo. it could possibly save their life if you told someone." I say and walk back over to Lucy and Gramps. I will ask her later about how she felt being stuck in limbo for a month.


The story of Lucy DreyarΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα