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Chap. 19 recap

Diamond and Bre are excited for prom. Diamond got a tie for Dustin and she goes to give it to him. She walks up his stairs and she hears weird noises coming from Dustin's room. She opens his door to find him in bed with another chick. She thinks Mike knew about it but he declares he didn't, so she goes to Bre's house.. Mike and Bre meet at Diamond's house and he tells Bre what happened. She goes home and sees Mike and Bre where they tell her everything. They tell her that they're not really dating and they're not going to prom with each other. Mike FINALLY tells Diamond that he likes her. He kisses her and asks her to prom, as his girlfriend. Dustin sends her a text asking her to meet him outside.

(That was a long recap.)


Chap. 20

Diamonds pov.

I head outside where I know my ex boyfriend is waiting. People would think I was a whore for breaking up with one guy and dating his brother in the same day, unless they heard the story. I walk over to Dustin where he was leaning on his car, if this was two hours ago, I would think he looks sexy right now. But now he just looks disgusting to me.

"What do you want?" I say rudely.

"I need to explain. Listen I'm sorry. It shouldn't have happened. It was the biggest mistake I've ever made."

"What was. You cheating or you getting caught?"

"Me cheating. I lost you and you were the most important thing to me."

"Look, I don't care anymore. From the beginning people were telling me you were a player but I chose not to believe them and look what happened to me."

"I really am sorry. If you still need a boyfriend or a prom date, I'm here."

"I actually don't need either from you cause I already have a boyfriend and a prom date."

"Who is it?"

"Your brother. I don't know if you know this or not but I really liked Mike before we even met. It turns out he likes me just as much as I like him. When we were dating, I still couldn't stop my feelings for him. Mike's my boyfriend now, something that should've happened months ago. Then I wouldn't have had to deal with you and your lying ways."

"So I guess there's no way you can give me a second chance to prove myself to you."

"Nope. This chapter is closed and I'm starting a new one." I say feeling strong as I walk away. I walk in the door to see my boyfriend's smiling face.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.


The day's spent with my best friend and my boyfriend. We need to have some fun before all the stress of prom tomorrow.

"So since you're my prom date now, you get to wear the tie."

"Good. The way it's supposed to be. Me wearing the tie and not Dustin."

"It's getting kinda late. I need my beauty sleep so I'm not gross at prom."

"I'll see you for pictures tomorrow."

"I think it will be better if you come here and Bre, tell Eli to come here for pictures."

"Alright. See you tomorrow in school." Bre leaves and it's just me and Mike.

"So, are you glad that ass cheated on you?"

"I actually am. This turned out to be an amazing day." He gives me a final kiss and he leaves me until tomorrow. I can't wait until he sees me in my dress. The last thing I did was change my relationship status on Facebook. People did wonder what happened but I told them the short version. Surprisingly, getting to sleep was not as hard as I thought it would be.

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