He's a Player?

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Recap Chap.9 :

"I want to talk to you." I shut the door and sit on the edge of his bed. He sits up so he's sitting next to me.

"You've been acting weird this whole day, and I wanna know why. I know we aren't best friends but I we are still friends." I plead to him.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."

"No you're not. Anyone can tell something's wrong. You didn't come down and swim with everybody."

"Fine, you wanna know what's really wrong with me?..."



Diamond's pov. 

"Fine, you wanna know what's really wrong with me? It's Dustin, that's what's wrong." Mike says.

"What does he have to do with anything?"

"You're dating him so everything has to do with him."

"First of all, we're not dating yet and what are you talking about?"

"I didn't think that I would have to tell you this but he's a player. He uses women and when he gets what he wants he throws them to the side. I thought you wouldn't get caught up with him, but then I walked in on you two making out and I was proven wrong."

"He doesn't seem like the person to do that."

"That's how he gets chicks to like him. Then once he has sex with them, he moves on."

"Why do you care what me and Dustin do? And for your information, I'm a virgin and I'm not giving it up that easily."

"You were close to losing it a couple hours ago. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't come up to get you two. I care because I know what he's like and I don't want to see another person get destroyed because of him."

"You're being a little dramatic and I can handle my own problems." I say walking out of his room. I feel bad for talking to him like that. Even though I'm kinda dating Dustin, I still like Micheal. It does hurt to talk about me being with his brother and not him. I think he's hiding something, but I just hope he's not right about Dustin.

Mike's pov. 

I knew she wouldn't believe me. I just looked like an idiot, but I was trying to save her from getting hurt. Maybe I should've just told her that I like her.

Diamond's pov. 

I go downstairs and thank God my brother's still here. We leave and I'm left wondering about this day. It's only 10:30 and I'm wondering when Bre and Dustin are gonna text me. I get a shower to get all of the chlorine water off me. Showering also helps me think and release all my troubles. I absorb myself in pomegranate bubbles as I think about Dustin and Micheal. They do seem like different people although they look so much alike. Dustin is edgy and out there while Micheal is quieter but cuter. I finish in the shower and I get out to find a new text on my phone. I'm hoping it's Dustin but it turns out to be Bre.

*Hey. So how were things after I left?*

*Kinda weird and it wasn't Dustin's fault. Can you come over so I can tell the story in person?*

*Yeah. I'll have Shane bring me over. I'll be there in 10-20 minutes.*

Hopefully she can help me figure out Mike's actions.

*I'm here*

I let Bre in and we head to my room so I can tell her the story.

"So what happened?" She asked quickly.

"Well a little after you left Dustin went with his friends, but we gave each other our numbers first. He might text me tonight. But when he left I talked to Micheal to see what was wrong."

"Well what did he say?"

"He was telling me that Dustin's a player and he only dates girls for sex and then he dumps them. It was really weird and he was being kinda protective. I feel like he's hiding something and he's not telling me."

"Well what could he be hiding?" She looked a little nervous. For what?

"I don't know. It was like he was trying to bash Dustin. I just left because the conversation felt awkward."

"But nothing else really happened between you and Dustin?"

"No. I don't know what to call us. Are we dating or just friends because friends don't make out like we did."

"Just wait until he texts you."

Bre's pov. 

I wonder if I should tell her. She's already suspecting stuff. She's gonna end up thinking that Mike's the bad guy when he just really likes her. But I made a promise and I need to keep it. I just need to change the subject.

Diamond's pov. 

"But this Friday Shane is taking me out for our 6 month anniversary."

"Wow! 6 months already. So what are you guys gonna do?"

"I don't know he's planning it. But I know one thing we're gonna do." She says while putting on a grin.

"What? Do you think you're ready."

"Yeah. It's been 6 months and I really love him." Just then my phone went off. It's a text and it's from Dustin.

*I told you I would text you*

*And I told you I would be waiting;)*

*So I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow. I forgot to ask you something today so I can ask you tomorrow on a date*

*Sounds great*

*I'll text you tomorrow and let you know*

*Ok. Night*

*Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow*

"I got a date tomorrow." I say to Bre.

"With who?"

"Dustin and he says he has something to ask me." I wonder what he wants to ask me. That's all I could think about while I went to sleep.

***So who's side are you on, Mike's or Dustin's?

***Check out my other story The Storage Closet Stranger.

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