Dream Come True

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I am so sorry for the wait but here it is and this chapter was really hard to write because of the graphic nature. I am not good at writing it but I love reading it in other stories.


Recap of Chapter 20

Dustin wants a second chance but Diamond doesn't give in. She tells him that she's dating Mike now. It's the night of prom and Diamond and Mike have an amazing time. They leave to get ready for the senior celebration at a local amusement park. While changing they start making out and Diamond's at the brink of losing her virginity.


Chapter 21

Diamond's POV.

He slowly makes his way through my entrance. I gasp and bite my bottom lip. The pain was a quick jab but it was enough to make me squirm and I'm pretty sure a tear escaped my eye.

"I'm sorry. I'll try to go as slow as possible. If you want me to stop just tell me." He says sweetly while kissing away the tear.

"I'm alright. Keep going." I hope I'll be alright.

Slower than before he starts moving back and forth trying not to hurt me anymore. The pain stays for a little bit but then goes away and leaves a nice sensation. It definitely got better.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Go faster."

His pace picks up and I'm overcome with a feeling I've never felt before. Seeing that I'm fine, He starts moving even faster and it isn't long until we collapse into each other's arms. I could stay like this forever but we have the Afterglo to go to.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" He is cute when he is worried.

"Not at all. It was amazing."

We stay wrapped up in each other for about 20 minutes before we decide to get dressed and head to the park. The car ride was awkward until the silence was broken.

"So I'm guessing by how gentle you knew to be that what just happened wasn't your first time." I knew it probably wasn't and I want to know who it was with.

"It wasn't. I should have told you before anything happened."

I'm not gonna lie, I felt a jab in my heart when he said that but I definitely knew he wasn't a virgin.

"I know it's gonna seem like I'm prying in your life but I think this is stuff I need to know. But, how many people have you been with?"

"I know you should know this. It only happened one time with one person. It was with my first girlfriend. I'm sorry I should've told you this when we first started dating."

"It's okay. Obviously I was a virgin."

He grabs my hand to hold it and he kisses it. By the time we get to the park it's still humid out, but we stay and ride the park rides the whole night. Of course I didn't win anything in the raffle. I never win anything, except the guy.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yes." I Can't say it fast enough. I'm tired. "Would it be alright if I stay with you?"

"Are you sure your mom wouldn't mind?"

"She'll probably think I'm with Bre."

"Then yes I would love your company. But, if your brother finds out it was all your idea. I would love to keep all of my body parts if you get what I'm saying."

"Well it is my idea anyway and he doesn't need to know what we did tonight."

When we arrive at his place I see the lights are still on. I hope his parents just left the lights on for him and they're not up still. Or worse Dustin's up. We walk in the door everything's quiet and we see nobody.

"So I have the perfect idea. Since it's so hot out why don't we go skinny dipping?"

As that last word comes out of my mouth I see something moving out of the corner of my eye.

"That's something we never got to do but it's your loss." Of course it came from Dustin.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not missing out on anything."

"Yeah you definitely are, you could've had all of this." He says while pointing to his body.

"Yeah well now I have all of him." I say putting my arms around Mike. "I ended up getting the best brother all because you're a jerkoff. I have one last thing to say to you, thank you for being a dick. You're decision gave me the best thing that's ever happened to me. So now I'm going to take my clothes off and jump in the pool."

"Well have fun trying to get some of that Mike. It took me two months and she gave me nothing."

That just proves to me that he was after sex the whole time. All of the words that came out of his mouth were lies. He is such an ass and I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. Mike goes to punch him but I stop him so that I can punch him. I threw my fist at him as hard as possible. I never punched anyone before but I have to admit it was pretty good.

"For your information, he already got this and it's only been two days. It's because he's been the one all along and I trust him unlike you."

Before I could do anything else Mike grabs my hand and pulls me to his room.

"That was the most awesome thing I ever saw. I'm pretty sure I heard his jaw crack." Mike says making me even more proud of myself. We strip down so we only have towels around us and we go to the pool.

"Give me your hand and we can jump in together."

I give him my hand and we jump in. The water felt amazing against my hot skin. Skinny dipping is actually fun and I'm just hoping he doesn't have a creepy neighbor who's stalking us right now. Surprisingly I don't feel awkward that I'm naked in front of him. I make my way to him and we hang on each other for what seems like forever.

"It's actually getting cold now, do you want to go inside?"


We grabs our towels and I dart upstairs so I can avoid Dustin. After drying off we get into his bed without even getting dressed and I fall asleep in his arms.

Mike's POV.

My efforts over the past couple months paid off. I got the girls of my dreams and I can't believe she's sleeping in my arms right now. Dustin made the biggest mistake of his life by messing things up with her. But now I have her and I'm not letting go.


So cute. I'm thinking there will be one more chapter. Just so everyone knows, I have never gone skinny dipping and this was an awkward chapter to write..

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