Will you?#1

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I love getting all of these reads! I have to say, this story is probably my favorite so far.

Nick took a final look around his apartment. It was cleaned up, there were rose petals everywhere, candles lit. It was all perfect! He even put on a bow-tie and spent a half hour in front of the mirror convincing himself that he didn't look like an idiot. Tonight was the night. He was going to do it. He was going to ask Judy to marry him. He had been planning this moment for months.

He knew that Judy would be suspicious of he randomly sprung a fancy date like this on her without warning, so he had been having these types of dates with her once a month for 7 months. There was a knock at the door. Nick took a deep breath and opened it.

"That's gonna add up to $22.49 sir." It wasn't Judy. It was the Chinese delivery guy.

"Oh." Nick said. "Of course." He reached for the money that he'd set aside for their dinner and gave it to the delivery man.

"Have a nice day!" The guy called.

"You too!" Nick yelled back before shutting the door and setting the table.

Then came a knock on the door. Suddenly, his knees felt like jelly and he wasn't sure about answering the door. But when he heard another knock he shook off the feeling and ran to open the door. There she was.

She looks so pretty. Nick thought.

"Hi." Judy said casually before giving him a peck in the cheek.

"Hey carrots, ready to eat?"

Judy laughed. "Been waiting all night!" As they ate they talked and laughed and really just had a good time.

When Judy stood up to throw her trash away Nick stopped her. "Um I'll get it." He said awkwardly.

"Oh, thanks." Judy replied. As Nick was throwing trash away and cleaning up, he took a deep breath.

It's now or never. He thought. "Judy." He called.

"Hmm?" She was clearly distracted.

Nick walked over to her and took her paw. "We've been dating for a really long time now and.... Well we need to talk."

Judy's face darkened. "T-talk about what?" She swallowed hard.

"Well." Nick began. "I guess that there's really no easy way to say this, but..." He proceeded to get down on one knee and pull out his box that held the diamond ring.

Judy gasped.

"Will you make me the happiest fox alive and marry me?" Nick asked her hopefully.

Judy started to cry. "Of course I will!"

Nick slipped on the ring and stood up. When he did he was met with a long kiss. This world just got a whole lot better he thought.

Hey guys! Aaah! I love love love this chapter! It's soooo romantic! This is probably going to be a real story, not a one shot. I'll put a number beside the titles telling if the stories go along. Alright, I'll update again at 125 reads!

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