Contest Time!

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Hey guys! I've never done this before but I thought that it would be really fun! Leave an idea for a oneshot or a brand new story in the comments and I'll pick the one I like best and turn it into a story! You will be featured in it! Not a small part like other people but a big part! Along with your idea, leave your name, gender, and what animal you would like to be! Also the winner gets a shoutout and a follow back! I don't follow back too many people only ones who I feel really enjoy my stories!
Here's a list of stories in comfortable with writing--
The walking Dead
Gravity Falls
Ninja Turtles
San Andreas
Jack Frost
Big Hero 6
If you leave something else I will research and see what I can do 😊
~~~White Roses

Nick Wilde x Judy HoppsWhere stories live. Discover now