The Dingo

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Their were Socs just like they said there'd be. We didn't care we just sat at a booth it was Steve, Sodapop, and me, on the one side and on the other side Ponyboy, Johnny, and Darry plus Two-bit pulled up a chair.

After we ordered our food which was mainly a Pepsi, a burger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake, Steve said, "We almost forgot about Dally." Darry looked up and said, "Yeah where is ole Dally anyways?"

Two-bit said, "He went to a party at Bucks last night and I haven't seen him since." Than, I had to ask, "Who's Dally?" Darry answered, "The last member of our gang you haven't met."

I just nodded like I understood. Just then, this guy busted into The Dingo and pulled up a chair by Two-bit. I kinda got nervous because he looked tuff, and he was in a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

He looked at me, grinned, and said, "Who's the broad?" Well, that was offensive. I looked up at him and said, "Abby, and I don't appreciate being called that."

He grinned again and said, "Whatever, babe." All, I did was roll my eyes. He said, "Names Dallas Winston, but you can call me Dally." I said, "Ok."

I guess Johnny wasn't the biggest talker in the world because he didn't talk the whole way there or when and after the food arrived. I looked over at him and he was looking down at his hands. I was still wondering how he got his scar, but then again I didn't ask because it was probably personal.

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Please tell your friends to read this book! I really need more viewers!
I also wanted to give a shoutout to @JillianSherman and @Beatlebaby22 because they have been working on amazing stories like for @JillianSherman in a book called Two-bit Matthews love story and even though she has wrote only one chapter she promises to write more soon, so go check that out! Also, @Beatlebaby22 in a book called Love is Blindness // Two Bit Matthews that is a completed book, so also go check that book out as well! One more thing is I need Darry, Dally, Soda, and Steve to have girlfriends so please comment if you would like to be in the book, and I will be sure to put you in it. Add the characters Name, Age, Description, and Boyfriend (of course!) thank you guys so much for reading and I promise I'll write another chapter tomorrow!

-Stay Gold

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