Stupid Socs

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I went to my house and stormed to my room. I looked out my window to see the living room light on and Pony and Johnny talking upstairs.

Oh great, Johnny's going to think I'm a control freak! Wait, why do I care? I rolled over on the other side and was fast asleep.

When I woke up, I took a quick ten minute shower. After my relaxing shower, I put on a black and white shirt, blue jeans, and I curled the end of my hair. (Picture at the top)

I thought about what happened last night. I guess I do feel bad for doing that to Ponyboy it's just, I don't know if my dad will die, and I need him right now, and Ponyboy wasn't being very supportive.

I understand now how Pony feels, but he's lucky he has Soda and Darry to be by his side if he ever has a problem.

I'll only have the gang. So, I decided to go over to the Curtis house.

When I opened the door, Two-bit was watching Mickey Mouse on the floor, and I could hear Pony talking to Soda in the kitchen.

I closed the door easily, and Two-bit was the only one who saw me. He just kept watching Mickey and went back to his business.

I heard Pony say, "But it's not like that with any girl...I think I love her." I felt my eyes water. I can't believe he doesn't even like me, but I don't see why he would. I mean what's to like?

Than, Soda said, "Well, than ask her to be your girl, or least set up a date." Ponyboy said, "Yeah, I will thanks, Soda."

I was still standing at the door holding back tears, until I heard Pony come in and say, "Oh Abby, how long have you been here?"

I struggled but finally smiled and said, "Just got here." I guess he noticed my watery eyes because he asked, "Abby, are you ok?"

I nodded my head and said, "Yeah, I just need a walk." He said, "Cool, I'll go with you."

We left and when we were walking down the streets I finally apologized, "I'm sorry." He looked at me and said, "For?"

I said, "For last night, I'm sorry I'm such a bother." He said, "Your never a bother it's just yeah I'm still not over their still feels like they're here somehow."

I said, "Yeah I just don't know what would happen if my dad died I'd be all alone..." I was interrupted by seeing three Socs tailgating us.

I grabbed Ponys hand which made us both blush. I pulled him along, we ran but not for long.

One of the Soc started tackling me to the ground and his two other friends getting Pony. I punched him right in the jaw and than kicked him off me.

He looked at me impressed and than said, "Come on boys lets go." I looked at Pony and said, "Sorry, I grabbed your hand I was just scared."

He said, "I would've never let them hurt you." I blushed and looked away, and we started walking some more. I felt like we were being watched but by who?

Thanks for Reading!!!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Looks like Pony might end up with Abby after all. We'll see though! Y'all haven't even read the best part yet! I'm hurrying don't worry I'm doing my best! If you want to be in the book comment down below - Thanks!

-Stay Gold

The Outsiders FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora