A Blue Mustang

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I could tell they were Socs by how they were dressed. I have been taught Karate ever since I was nine years old, so I hope all those lessons get paid off.

The leader of the Socs said, "Well, well, well what do we have here? A new Greaser is beyond us, did you just move here?"

I gave him a cold hard stare, turned around, and started walking again. The leader grabbed my arm, turned me around, and said, "I asked you a question."

I spoke up, "Doesn't mean I have to give you an answer." He pushed me down to the ground.

I reached back into my back pocket and easily pulled out my switch blade. I pulled it out and said, "You better watch it, Soc."

He said, "Or what?" I shot the blade out at him and said, "Or you might not be alive the next step you make!" He said, "Oh please."

Then, he slapped the switchblade right out of my hand and said, "Your just a pathetic Greaser." He pulled out his blade.

It was sharper than mine. He bent down, put the blade right under my chin, and said, "Now let's get this over with."

I said, "It's funny." He looked confused and said, "What is?" I looked him in the eye and said, "It's funny you think I need a blade to fight, look at you got no moves?"

He put the blade back in his pocket and turned his head. I was wondering why, but than I realized the gang was here, they'll always have my back.

Sodapop kicked the guy with the blade in the ribs, Darry punched a guy on the nose, and Steve was taking down the rest.

They all got in their car and drove off. Darry and Soda slid down beside me, and Darry asked, "They didn't hurt ya too bad, did they kid?"

I said breathing heavily, "No. Just pulled a blade on me, but I'm alright."

I felt a single bit of blood hit my hand, and I reached under my chin to feel where they has cut me just a little.

It could have been a lot worse. I asked, "Where's Johnny?" Ponyboy said, "He's asleep in the lot."

I looked over to where my blade had been shot out of my hand, and I reached over and eventually grabbed it.

Steve said, "Didn't look like you were gonna fight back at first." I looked over at him and said, "As if, they ain't that tough."

He sarcastically said, "Yeah, I know they can just throw you down and pull a blade on you like that, and they don't seem tough at all."

I gave him a cold stare and Pony and Soda helped me get off the ground. I said, "He ain't got no pride, none of them do."

Pony asked, "How ya figure?" I started walking with them beside me and said, "I know I just moved here, and I'm from the country and all, but they don't have any respect walking all over us, Greasers, like that."

Dally said, "Well, it's not our fault they see whoever they can find to mess with, and they do exactly that. They don't even think about it."

I said, "Well, it's just not right to me, just not right." They walked back to my house and told me goodbye again.

It was around 7:30 when I got home. I opened the door, and everything was so much better than before.

The walls were neater, the kitchen was cleaner, and the hole in the walls were fixed. The repair men must of came.

My dad wasn't in his room plus his car wasn't there. I just went to my room and changed into a white tank top and black shorts. I opened my curtains and had the view of the Curtis house.

Pony was upstairs doing homework on his bed because he had his light on, and I could see him, Darry was cleaning dishes, and Soda was in the living room taking down decorations.

It was a great first day if I do say so myself. I got out of bed quickly and dug in my suitcase to find a picture frame of me and my mom, and I placed it on my dresser.

I knew she would have been proud of my new life. I already made friends, I have my own gang, and a new house.

I turned my lamp off and laid down. I felt a single tear come out of my eye, but I quickly wiped it away and fell asleep.

Thanks for Reading!!!
This chapter has been the longest of all the chapters and I hoped you loved it! If you want to be in my book just comment down below! Should Abby be with Johnny or Ponyboy? I hope you love what I've written so far! I'm working on a lot more ideas for this book it's gonna be amazing! Tell your friends to read this book!

-Stay Gold

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