Talking at a Park

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I finally was at the point where I was getting upset. Some of the gang quit, but some still wanted it to last.

I finally had enough and said, "Ok, we get it. Look, I'm not going to stand here and take this. I'm going to the park."

I opened the door and when I went to shut it Sodapop stood there.

He said, "Hey Abby don't go, I'm sorry we were just having some fun." I smiled really he can make anyone smile even when there mad.

I said, "It's ok Soda, I'm just gonna go to the park and clear my mind." He turned away with a sad expression.

I went to my house and grabbed my guitar. You heard me right, I play guitar and sing.

I've been told I should be famous, but I'm not that good so don't listen to them.

When I got to the park, I took the guitar out of the case and some of my music sheets out. I started playing and singing a song I wrote, until I heard a twig snap behind me.

I quickly turned my head to see Ponyboy. He said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." I said, "It's ok you didn't."

He sat down next to me and asked, "You play guitar?" I said, "Yes, and sing a little." He asked, "You mind playing?"

I sighed because I have a little fear of singing in front of people, but I did sing and play anyways.

When I was done, I looked over at him and he looked shocked and amazed! I finally spoke up, "Was I that bad?" He answered, "Just the opposite."

I blushed, looked away, and said, "It's been hard, you know moving away and everything. I loved my old house, not that I don't love it here, it's just that my mom and I were so close and all the memories we cherished were at my old house. Sure, I might not have been the funny, pretty, or popular one back in my hometown, but it's the only place I had left of my mom. Now I have nothing."

I thought wow I just opened up to him. The breeze swished across my face, and it was cold. He finally said, "You have the gang, your dad, and me.

It might not have memories with your mom here, but I think the reason your dad brought you here was because you needed to make new memories."

I looked up at him and said, "She would've been proud of me right?" He said, "More than proud."

Than, he said something I never imagined he would say, "And I think your beautiful."

I looked at the sky and all the clouds that form around it. I thought to myself, I didn't think I'd like Pony this much now. I kind of had a crush on Johnny, but now I just don't know how I feel.

Thanks for Reading!!!
Hope you like this new chapter I just wrote. I'm going back to school next week so I'm trying to write as much as I can this week! I love all my (book) fans. I wouldn't be writing books if it wasn't for you guys thank you!

Now back to the book, do you guys think she's going to end up with Ponyboy. I mean it looks that way doesn't it? 😙 Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the ones to come!

-Stay Gold

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