Just Friends?

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Suddenly I heard a noise from behind the bushes. I stopped walking beside Ponyboy and went up to the bush.

I grabbed the leaves and held them back and there stood Dallas Winston. I hit him on the arm and said, "Dally, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

He said, "Just wanted to see what the two lovebirds were doing today." I rolled my eyes and said, "We are not dating."

Dally said, "Not yet, but you know Pony can't resist you." I looked at Pony then back at Dallas and said, "Just drop it ok, I want to go back to the Curtis house."

I turned and started walking when I heard Dally say, "I'm coming with you." Dally and Pony ran to catch up with me.

I finally said, "So, Dally what trouble did you get into today?" He had a smirk on his face and said, "Come on what trouble did I get into today? Ok, I robbed a store, but I didn't get caught."

I said, "And what did you take?" He said, "Here." I opened the little box to find a picture frame with all the guys in it and at the bottom it said Greasers For Life .

I said, "Awe Dally, I love it." He said, "Yeah, yeah, Soda told me to get it, and when I did the cashier said it hadn't been paid for yet, so I stole it."

I hugged him and he didn't hug back, but I wasn't surprised. Ponyboy looked like he wanted to punch Dally which I don't know why.

I said, "You ok?" He snapped out of his thoughts and said, "Just great."

We were back at the house and when I walked in, everyone was asking me about my walk. I said, "Guys, it was just a walk not a concert."

Soda said, "Yeah, but you walked with your boyfriend." I looked down because I was blushing and said, "Ponyboy is not my boyfriend, he's just my friend."

They all pretended to accept that and went on doing whatever they were doing. Before I knew it, 3:00 came by fast.

We started walking to the park when I saw a figure laying in the grass. I ran over to him and noticed that was my dad.

I looked at him and said, "Dad?" He looked at me half dead and said, "Abby, I love you." He had blood marks all across his body.

I didn't shed a tear because I was trying to be strong and said, "Oh dad, I love you to." He breathed his last breath of air than was dead.

Now, it's been a week since my dad died, and me and the gang have been getting closer. It was Friday night when we were all sitting in the living room watching Mickey Mouse.

Ponyboy said, "Hey, Abby can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I nodded my head and followed him outside.

When we got got outside, I said, "What's up?" He said, "Well, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

I said, "Yeah, I would love that." He said, "Great, just come here at seven." I said, "Ok."

He went back inside the house and I stayed on the porch smiling and looking up at the stars. Tonight was the best night ever! Or so I thought?

Thanks for Reading!!!
Your probably wondering about the next chapter! And the last bit "or so I thought?" It's exciting isn't it? Comment if you'd like to be in the book!

-Stay Gold

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