Prologue (a normal day)

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    "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!!" The alarm went off. Adam groggily woke up. "Eh?" He exclaimed. "Ugh! I hate this stupid alarm!!!!" He slammed down on the the off switch. Adam stood up and put on his glasses. "Another day at the offices..... Why do I have to go to work so early!" He got dressed in his usual clothes: a gray t-shirt, some sweatpants, etc. Adam went down to the kitchen to find his dear wife Alesa feeding DJ baby Mason (their son). "Morning babe! Ready for work? Packed you lunch." Said Alesa holding up a paper bag. "Naw. I'm good. Me and the guys are going to IHOP for lunch today. Anyways, don't wanna keep my fans waiting!" Adam kissed Alesa and Mason and headed to work.
   Adam pulled into the parking lot just as Max arrived. "Yo! Mad Max!" Adam yelled at him. He and everyone knew that this ticked Max off every time. "ADAM YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!" Max ran after Adam, punching him in the gut. "And good morning to you!" Adam said on the ground. He got up and headed to his favourite place. The offices. In most offices, you sign paper work and do a whole ton of boring crap. But here, everyday was filled with filming minecraft videos for YouTube. Adam stepped into his office. "Ross you dirt! Gets out of my office!!!!" Adam heard as he entered the building. Barney was yelling at Ross. Ross sees him. "Adam! Barney tried to steal my Miku-chan from me!" He yelled holding the door closed. "Gets out!" Barney yelled as he flipped the bird at Ross. "Ross, get out of his office. Don't get me wrong, I would join you, but you've got we've got an episode of Fallout to film!" Adam said. Ross came out. "Oh yeah! Is Cory and Uni ready?
I need to look at the script." "They're just loading the map now. And Barney, you do realize you could've opened that door any minute." Adam walked to his office. "Show time." He thought. He booted up minecraft.

  "Hey Adam? Can I get a lift home? Shelby pooled with me, but she stole my car." Ross texted. "Sure no prob!" He texted back. They met at the parking lot and got into Adams car. "Can I borrow your Attack  on Titan  movie please?" Ross asked after a bit. "I lost my copy." "How do you lose-
Oh never mind...... " said Adam. "Go ahead. By the way, that Apple joke Barney made for today's do not laugh was awesome! Good game by the way! You did a good-"
Adam froze. He heard a loud smash. Then everything went black.........

Opposite Day at the office (a skydoesminecraft fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now