Chapter 13: Nicks flashback

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Nick had been sitting on his couch for about an hour now. He had woken up first, but Cory seemed to have slept in. "That's odd." He thought. "The little bitch is usually up before me." *bzz*
It was a text from his friend Jin.

Jinpop: watz bobbin'

Nick: y u txting meh fuckr?

Jinpop: I left my plush daug cupcake @ ur house.

Nick: well den go get it

Nick put his phone down. "Stupid orange sweater bitch. Leaving his trash around." Just then, Cory came out of his room looking very confused. "Morning Nick. Have you talked to Shelby? She's acting-
Strange." "What you talkin bout punk? She is cool." Nick replied. "Did you just call me a punk? What's with the New Yorker talk?" "I always talk dis way." Said Nick. "Nick you aren't making sense either! You were fine yesterday until-" Cory froze. "The....crash..."
"What crash? Whach you talkin bout?"
"You....aren't real aren't you?" Said Cory slowly. He looked down at his hands. "Heh....hehehe....." Nick looked at him. "Take it easy man. We are real dude. Let me get you some toast." Nick went into the kitchen. He returned to the living room to a dazed Cory. Just then, Jin walked in. "Can I have my cupcake now plz?" Cory looked over at Jin weirdly. He looked at Nick. He looked at the knife for the toast. 

"Next thing I know Jin is lying on my carpet dead and Cory's laughing evilly. That's when I brought him here." Nick finshed.

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