Chapter 5

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Adam was sure this was his Ross. He decided his next jokes would be be tests to see if he was. On his next turn, he did a butter joke. He could tell Ross was holding in a laugh. The turn after that, he did a scale joke. Ross couldn't help himself. "PFFFFTTTTT!!! HA HA HA HA!!!!" Shelby and Max were still confused. It was Max's turn then. "PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS!! PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS-" he continued for about 3 minutes in his unicorn skin. Adam admitted, this was hilarious. Maybe this day wasn't so bad. It was Ross's turn. He did his 'Park Ranger with a lisp' joke. Adam laughed, and Shelby only chuckled for pity. "Wait-" thought Adam. "Ross is testing me to!" The recording then ended. In the first 10 minutes, everyone was commenting: "lol what's up with sky?" "Why u so weird Ross" "is everything ok?". Adam waited till he was alone with Ross. "Ross. What's going on? Why's everyone so weird?" "I.....I don't know what you are talking about." He said nervously. "You know what! I give up!" Adam started to walk away. "So you noticed to?" Whispered Ross. Adam
turned around. "Look. We can't talk here. Meet me after work.....ok?" 
"Sure sloth!"

Opposite Day at the office (a skydoesminecraft fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt