Chapter 12 (i think)

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"Space unicorn! Soarin' through the skies-!" Rang Max's phone. "Oh fiddle sticks!" He said. " I need to go guys. The finale of my pacifist playthrough  is supposed to come out in 2 hours! See ya darlings!" Max drove off. "Did he just take our ride?" Asked Red. "Ye." Adam sighed. "Welp. I guess we will have to walk to the doctor Cory is at."  "Noooooooooooo!!!!" Yelled Ross. " I don't wanna waaaalllllkkkkk!!!!"

Time skip brought to you by Red and Adam having to carry Ross

Nick stepped out to seeing the 3 tired men pretending that they are dying. "Sup nerds?" He said in a serious tone. "We *gasp* wanted to talk to you about *weezie* Cory." Huffed Red. "Cory? What about the fucker?" "We uh..... Found his note. Is he, ok?" Said Ross, not tired at all.
"Well first off the piece of shit was acting so strange. It's like he was a different person, yo? Anyways I thought maybe he hit his head, so I took him to the doctor. But the camera face snot didn't want to. I had to go to uh...... Great lengths to get him here." Nick said.  "-Can we see him?" Asked Adam. "I wouldn't. He's have lets just say-
A mental breakdown. They may have to send him to da looney bin." "Huh?! Well how bad is he?!" Adam yelled.

Nick sighed as he reached into his pocket.

He pulled out a long blood stained knife.

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