Epilogue/ One Week Later.......

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Adam walked into the waiting room to find Ross sitting in the corner. "Hey man.... how're you holding up?" he said looking up. "Fine..... Alesa is doing good........hows Red?" "He's fine." replied Ross. "He left early for some time with his family." He smiled gently before frowning again. "Can say the same about Cory though...... he still hasn't come out of his coma yet.... I'm still a bit shaken myself." Adam nodded. "I'm visiting him today.... see you later, okay Ross?" "Yeah man. But I'll be gone for a bit though; I need to catch up on my anime." They laughed and fist pumped.

Adam walked into Cory's room. He was pale, and still hadn't woken up. Adam spied Shelby crying softly into a yellow bouquet of flowers. A man laid face first into the bed, and at first Adam didn't recognize him, but after he spoke he new it was Cory's friend Uni. "WHY?!!" he scream cried. "Why did this have to happen to him!?" Adam looked over at his friends pile of gifts. A jar filled with bottle caps caught his eye. It was labeled "From Nick. We hope you 'fallout' of your coma soon. (PS sorry about the pun)" Adam then looked at his blond friend. "I'm sorry Cory......I didn't know..... Just-

thank you. You sacrificed yourself for me back there, even when you didn't know if this was real or not. Just-  thank you." Adam turned around. He dropped off some chocolates and gave a hug to Shelby. He was just about to leave-


His eyes fluttered open.

And that is the end of the book! Thank you everyone for all your support!!!!! Your all so wonderful! This took a lot of effort for me to do. I never expected to get so many reads! Stay tuned for my next book! Thank you Bakateers!

Hint: It's a murder mystery!!!!!

-Baka <3


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