Chapter 3

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Adam was so confused. Ross? Not liking anime?! What the hell was going on. "I'm-          Going to go to my office now...." He said nervously. He went to his office and slammed the door shut. The navy blue of the wall wasn't the only difference in his office. His toys and knick naks were gone. He sat down and covered his face with his hands. Nothing was making sense. Not at all. He looked at the clock. "Oh shit!" He said to himself. "I need to record the new do not laugh!" Adam logged in and realized that his skin was different, so he changed it to his usual one. He spawned in the world and was relieved not much had changed. He saw that Ross was the only other one on. His skin was different. Ross's scarf changed from his iron man red and yellow, to a light blue, red and white one. "Where's everyone else?" Adam asked him. "Max will be on in a sec I think." Ross muttered. "Hey uh..... Ross? Do uh..... You remember what happened yesterday?" ".......uh, yes? We recorded Cory's new Fallout video." Ross replied.
"Yeah but, uh.... After work? Because I can't-" Adam didn't get to finish as Max joined the game. He skin was almost the same, except it wore a HUGE smile on its face. "Guys! Where's Shelby? She said she was going to be here!" He said angerly yet somehow happy at the same time. Suddenly Shelby joined. "Hey guys. Let's get this over with." She said gloomily. "Adam what's with your skin? When did you change it?" "I never did. You guys did! Ross your scarf is wrong, Max's smiling for gods sake! And Shelby yours is reversed colours!" Adam yelled. Max and Shelby started talking at the same time, and Ross just stayed silent. Adam sighed. "Never mind..... Let's.......just start." "Now you sound more like the usual Adam! Let's start!" Stated Max. Adam hit record.

Opposite Day at the office (a skydoesminecraft fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now