19 | Results

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Staring from outside of the medical room, Aubrianna watched as her father stroked her mothers cheek. She inhaled as he walked out, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"This is my fault." Aubrianna said on the verge of tears. Anakin shushed her as he pushed her hair behind her ears.

"She'll be alright." He promised her. She finally let go, allowing tears to fall as she hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." She said, causing Anakin to smile.

"Why are you sorry? You destroyed the last Sith, the Jedi are at peace now."
"I'm sorry because I caused all of this."

Anakin sighed. "Aubrianna Renee Skywalker. You did not cause anything." He argued. "You are a blessing, not a mistake."
Anakin kissed her forehead before pushing her towards her mothers room. "She's asleep, but she should wake soon. I'm going to go get Luke and Leia."


Aubrianna stood next to Almeta, holding her hand. She rubbed the skin over her knuckles, stopping as her brown eyes opened.

"Hi, mom." She whispered. Almeta smiled.
"I know what you're thinking," she said as she sat up. "I'm a clumsy fool."
"No, you're not." Aubrianna laughed.

She smiled again. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I killed a Sith. But enough of me, how are you feeling?"
"Tired." She answered. "But I'll survive."

"Dad is getting Luke and Leia." She said as she sat down.
Almeta stared at her. "What's upsetting you?"
Aubrianna looked down at her lap. "I feel that I have failed you."
Her mother snorted. "Failed me? Why would you feel like that?"
"Because I could have handled it better." She replied. "And you wouldn't be hurt."

"I'm not the one hurt." She said, picking up Aubrianna's new prosthetic hand. She chuckled.
Grabbing her daughters face, she looked into her eyes.

"Aubrianna, I am so proud of you." She said. "I have been proud of you since the day you told your father and I that you wanted to become one of us; and you are officially a Jedi now."

She smiled. "You really mean that?"
"I mean every word." She promised.

The doors opened, and the three walked in.
"You're finally awake." Anakin said, leaning down and kissing Almeta. Leia stood next to Aubrianna with a smile.

"And I'm ready to leave." Almeta chuckled. "You know I hate MedBays."

Anakin nodded. "It's true. Your mother and I went to Hoth on one of her first missions, and she froze terribly. Had to put her into a tank of Bacta to get her healed."
"You're a trooper, mom." Leia laughed.

"But I at least know where I get my clumsiness from." Aubrianna said; addressing to her mother.

"Definitely not me." Anakin said, earning a small smack on the chest from Almeta. All of them laughed before signing her out, returning home.


Aubrianna stood out on the balcony of their Coruscant apartment as speeders flashed through the night sky. The Skywalker's all joined, standing beside her.

"Does this mean I'm a true Jedi now?" She asked.
Anakin nodded. "Yes, you are officially a Jedi."
She smiled as they clapped, causing her to laugh.

"Obi-Wan has taught you well." Anakin said to her. "I'm so proud of you."
"You helped, dad." She said to him. He kissed her cheek and hugged her. "I love you more than anything."
"And I love you, you, and you." Aubrianna laughed as she pulled Luke, Leia and her mother in. They chuckled before hugging tightly, and R2D2 beeped from inside happily.

Obi-Wan appeared, and they all turned around. Aubrianna rose a brow.

"Congratulations, Aubrianna." He said to her. "I am officially ranking you as a Jedi."
She squealed before hugging Obi-Wan Kenobi, who only laughed at the young girl he considered his niece, and a daughter. Anakin smiled.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan." He said. "You've given all of us a chance to become what we are now, we are entirely grateful."
"Anything for a friend." He said.

As he hugged his former Master, fireworks erupted through the sky. Whistles were heard from nearby Coruscant citizens, and everyone cheered.

Aubrianna looked up at Anakin and Almeta.

"I love you, Mom. Dad." She said. The two smiled before kissing her, hugging her and the twins tightly.

                              THE END


I want to thank those who have stuck with me and my stories The Female Jedi, The Fight Back, and Continuation. Your guys's support means so much to me, I'm seriously crying rn. A few months ago I didn't even have 20 followers or readers, and now I have enough to gain support. I love you all so much, and this has been The Female Jedi Series.

- AdmiringReigns

Continuation | Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now