My Foxxwifeey

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Chloe's POV:
Why has all of my friends abounded me? What did I do wrong? Whenever I get upset and like no one cared I head to the Internet support group made by Dan and Phil best know as Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil! The people in the group were so friendly but most had depression and did self harm and I felt like... Well a bit awkward because I was trying to be there for people and I didn't understand why do I lie and say ' Oh I've been through! Just try this or that.' I feel bad doing that but I guess that happens. In this group recently people have been asking for ITBF! Which came to me like I need to do this!(By the way ITBF stands for Internet best friend) I was like
"Now is the time to be honest Chloe" I start speaking to myself saying I have to say the truth so this is what I put..

Looking for ;
Someone who likes OMGitsfirefoxx,Syndicate,iijeriichoii and Dan and Phil (pretty obs)
Someone who instantly replys back 😂
And someone who I can tell my secrets too
And someone who lives in the uk!

I read it a couple of times and said
"Right here goes nothing"

I just woke up! Crap I must of fell asleep! It's a notification from that post in the support group! OMG someone commented and said they liked the YouTubers and lives in the uk 😱 No way this ain't true. *I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't in a dream still* NOPE it's real!!! Her name was so beautiful I wish my last name was like that! Her name was Emma Beauty. I checked her profile and look through it.

I'm soo nosy 😂 (I'm bad at English okay)

Anyway she looks so pretty why would she ever be friends with me, a stupid person who looks ugly, has no hobbys but eats chocolate and watch YouTube. WAIT! She watched them YouTubers that means she could do the s---aamme!
I instantly reply back saying send me a friend request! Then she did and I accepted and instantly messages saying

C: Hello there my BOOTY touching friend *reaches for your butt* 💖

e: 😂😂 hello there just first question could you answer or not .. X
OH NO! What is she gonna say I hope it's not a bad question my heart was beating real fast as I typed.

C- Okay X

E-where about in the uk do you live X

Thank god for that I could say Coventry because she never if heard of my town?!

C-Near Coventry u? X

E- Carlisle .. U probably never heard of it but its 2 hours away from you X

My heart sank 😭 but she cheered me up saying ;

E- I could walk and take 2 days and 21 hours and then stay round yours 😂😂
I just giggled to myself and said we should meet up some time.

1 Year Later

OMG today is the day I meet Emma after a year !! We're meeting at pax east to see sonja Tucker Tom and maybe Jordan. We saved up sooo much money for this day and had it all planned out !

(Hi guys I hope you enjoy the first chapter on my fist ever book I have so many ideas for this book comment an idea for later in the story) :)

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