Ally is the Best

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Sonja's POV:
Did she say that we could stay in LA for 2 weeks! What? I am so excited and glad to have a true best friend and she is always ther for Emma and Chloe too! Chloe has been begging me for her to be her's and Emma's Older sister! It feels wrong to do that because we are best friends not my daughter! So I start packing for LA and tell Tom and Dan and Dan asked if he could come so he could see Emma but the problem was that there were no room on the plane were taking and I think he should head back to the uk with Tom! I might do a surprise for Tom and Chloe and Emma and Dan but what?cinema? Dinner? Ohh I should get two picnic baskets so they can both go somewhere and do that! Yeah that's what I am going to do!

"TOMMM" I shout and he quickly runs down stairs and says what! I tell him about the picnic and he said thank you and said that they have kissed but don't tell anyone he says! I told him about Chloe and Emma coming with me and ally to La and he interrupts me and says I live in La with my friend but sometimes go to see family in the uk most the time "so could I tweet you a plan to surprise Chloe when I figure one out" he laughs!
"Sure!" I told him to tell Dan that he will take Emma to a picnic in the garden or wherever he wants !
(Just want to say I want people in the comments to tell me which picnic I will do the POV for because they would be the similar thing and it will be boring for you guys!)
"Ok Sonja and thanks" he said while hugging me!

"MUMM" I hear Emma shout me! Which is unusual of her because she hardly shouts so I run upstairs and see her crying! "What's up sweetheart?"
"Its.....Dan he has to go back to the uk asap because Phil needs him...."she says while trying not to cry!
"It will be okay me and Ally and your sitter Chloe are here!"
"Can you ask Chloe to hang out with me today because I don't want to interrupt her and Tom!" I nod my head yeah and walk into Chloe's room to find them both on their phones talking and laughing
"Erm.. Tom can I speak to Chloe...alone please?"
"Yeah sure I'm going shop anyway!Does anyone want everything?"
I whisper saying "to get Emma and Chloe some lunch example: Doritos,pizza and two Coke bottles for them please"

Chloe's POV
"Okay just let me make a phone all and I will be there"
I started to call Ally and she answered straight away and I asked about Tucker and we spoke about him for a while and I told her about me and Tom kissing and she said well done! Then I asked if she could sleep round and stay with me and Emma in her room to cheer Emma up! I said what I planned to do!She then said she will be there as soon as possible and I said thanks!
Right checklist ;
Clothes pegs
Music speakers
And fairy lights

Time lapse
I got everything so then I told Emma to wait outside while I do the den I was planning to make and put everything Inside and then invited her back in and she went wow and gave me a hug and then I said
"That's not it there are two more surprises" I said while running downstairs to grab a plate of cookies and what Tom got us from the shop and bought it to the den and she smiled saying thanks and then asked
"What's the other surprise"
"You'll see Emma and you will love it"
I put on the film 'Were the Millers' and we just watched that until we hear a knock on the door and I said I will get it! Because I knew who it was it was Ally!
"Shhhh" I whisper and told her you were a surprise and told Ally to sneak up on Emma to scare her! But it didn't work but Emma still smiled and gave us both a big hug and said that we were the best people she could of asked for including Dan and sonja !

Hope you enjoyed this because took me ages to think of what to do this chapter so this is what I came up with :/) Goodnight UK💖

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