True love?

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I'm sorry that I haven't wrote in ages but I will be uploading some chapters this week and on April 3rd this book will be completed! I can't wait to see you faces at the end of this book and thank you for taking your time reading my cheesy crappy book! 😊

Tuckers POV
Ally phoned me earlier saying that there is a girl which was a friend of hers and she asked if I could take her on a date when she stays at Ally's house with her girls! I can't wait to see who she is! All I know is that she is a live streamer and youtuber so I search her name on youtube
*types omgitsfirefoxx* Wow! She is so beautiful there is no way she's gonna like me! I frown in disappointment. I guess I could try and plan an amazing wedding but I might get jordan to help me out because I am really bad at dates! And jordan has a girlfriend! I decide to Skype him! I explain saying how beautiful she is and I can tell he is getting bored of me saying it over and over again but It's true!
"Jordan... mannn. .... can you help me out with the date that I will be having with her! Because you know I'm bad with girls because my exs always told me how bad I am with girls so what did I do jordan? Where do I take her? Will she like me?"
"Well does she have Skype?"
I said "I think so because she is a youtuber and a live streamer! And also I'm gonna go and see if I could get her Skype name"
"Good luck Tucker"
☆Time lapse☆


A: hey tucker chloe is one of sonja's daughter and will be helping you out and I am too but have you got any ideas for the date!
C- Tucker I need to tell you something in private I'm sorry ally but your not aloud to know but I know tucker is a keeper
T- Yes ally I have the date sorted out and what is it? Dm me chloe

Later on I get a tweet from @omgitsgamergirl22 which is chloe and the tweet said this
' Tucker , sonja had a rough childhood and she doesn't like speaking about it but if she looks down give her a hug because she has depression but is a happy person but her dad was a bitch to her so just look after her and me and my sister were adopted because she loved us and knew that we would be great daughters and I think you would be an amazing dad!'

A...a...a. dad wow she has taken this a bit too quick but thank God she told me that because I would be such a bad boyfriend if I just said what's up! I respond to chloe saying
'I bet your a great daughter and your sister and a secret between you and my your mom is stunning your so lucky to have her as a mom but I will cheer her life up and always be there for you all!'

Chloe's POV

Wow he actuely would be a great dad and he called sonja stunning! I feel rely happy for sonja! I thought being a good person I am I would look through his twitter and I found out something... he was best friends with Tom! Oh we,l that's cool I guess!

I decide to get my bags packed for tomorrow morning I should of done this earlier but no I'm an idiot and slept in! Oh well I will have to wake up early tomorrow! I decide to see how ally and Emma are and sonja later because knowing me I would say something then ally would kill me!
"Hey ally how are you and are you streaming tonight?"
"He'll yeah I'm streaming I miss my peep crew and did you want to join fack boii Friday with me sonja and hayli?"
"No I would never do that" I say sarcastically
We both laugh then I said
"Hayli is awesome I've always wanted to meet you three and I have met you sonja but not hayli! Would she be in LA when we're there?"
"No but you get to be on fbf at least"
" I guess I will join you this week then sonja next week!Wooooh I'm so hyped peep crew here I come!

☆Time lapse to stream☆
"Hey peep crew we have a special guess here today, OMGitsgamergirl who does my montages and is my best friends daughter! If Sonja hasn't told you guys then she will tonight properly saying that she has adopted this beautiful next to me and another one next door with sonja's stream! So guys welcome to FBF people!"

"Hi peeps how you all doing?"

"I'm not a squirt gun"
" hey thanks for the sub iijeriichoii! Wait is that tucker!"
I nod at Ally agreeing! She looks shocked and said hi Mr boner all of chat kept spamming Mr boner which was funny until some mods did there job of banning them to stop spamming!

"Hey ally!" I hear hayley which made my heart skip a beat! I haven't heard her in ages! I was ages so one of her mods
"Hey guess what hayli we have a guess today it's OMGitsgamergirl22!"
"Oh I know her she Is one of my modders in my chat! Hey chloe!"
"Hey hayli thanks for the follow on Twitter! Let's have hype in chat for Fuck boii Friday!!!!!"

Sonja joins team speak and says hi! Then I surprised her saying I'm joining fbf she was so happy and said that I'm the best and then I heard Emma in the background saying hi to the foxx fam!
"Right let's start! Who's going to do the intro this week?"
"I immediately shout sonja should do it!" Then I nudged her and whispered why!" Ally laughs then said that she agreed with me so you guys ready? 3.......2.......1.. go!

"Hello youtube welcome to fbf today we are joined by ally,hayli and two special people with us! Welcome Emma and chloe! I adopted them last week as teens because you guys know I'm not good at looking after kids!Any way if your new then welcome to Fuck boii Friday where we would talk about anything that you donate and we only do donations because the chat goes mental when we did that anyways has anyone got any Fuck boy story's? "

☆Time lapse to middle of stream☆
Tom joined team speak
I looked at Ally and then she looked back
"Sonja,hayli be back in a minute and Tom join another team speak 23"

"Tom what's up?" I say
"Babe are you going to LA tomorrow?because tucker told me your doing something for sonja for him? Why didn't you tell me you do know I live with him?!
"Tomm....I never knew you knew tucker because you never told me and I was gonna surprise you too because I bought you something  and yeah..."
"Oh...I thought I told you! Crap! I'm soo sorry I will make this up to you I promise love you"
"Love you too"
"Let's get back to fbf" we had to mute stream so they couldn't hear us which was a good job!
"Were back!"
"What did we miss!?"

☆Time lapse to the end of stream☆

"That was awesome ally thanks you soo much! See ya in the morning! " I run to sonja giving her a big hug so stream could see me! "Hey foxx fam you better be looking after them sonja!" We both laugh and she said if I wanted to play prop hunt "Hell yea!"
I ended up falling asleep while playing, aging and sonja must of picked me up and out me to bed because I just woke up! Finally get to surprise sonja after a whole year of meeting her and now I've been adopted by her! My life has been the best ever! I'm soo happy I ran away because if I didn't then I wouldn't of been adopted by sonja! LA here we come!

Arrived at LA

I looked over at Ally and winked which then turned into a smile! We know this is gonna be an awesome 2 weeks! "Hey ally do you want me to take sonja to that place because the person has sent the message saying that there ready!"
"What's going on" Sonja asked
"Well....we have wetted you up on a blind date with someone who loves video games!"

Sonja came over and hugged me and ally then she turned to Emma saying if she knew then she said no! We didn't tell her because we have a surprise for her because Dan is in LA on his tour with phil!

"Come on sonja give ally your bags then we'll take a cab there! You ready sonja!"
"Sonja started crying from happiness and said "I'm so happy your my daughter and you have been here for me since the start of youtuber, thanks chloe!"
I went over and hugged her and then shouted for a cab! "It's okay mom"
"So what's his name Chlo?"

Adopted by...Sonja❤️Where stories live. Discover now