Chapter 3 - First Day On The Job

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This chapter is dedicated to Will Friedle, the voice of Bumblebee in RID! I got the chance to meet him at Toronto Comic-Con and he was so nice and sweet! <3 :D

This one is for you Will! It was awesome getting to meet you!


In return for retrieving her purse from that thief, the elderly woman bought lunch for Kiki and Mila. Despite the girls protests, the woman insisted, making it her way of saying thanks.

Kiki and Mila spent the rest of the day at the dock. Eating food, checking out the shops, riding the thrill rides, and walked around the beach. The drive back home was tiresome, but the trip was worth it in the end.

Mila dropped Kiki off at her house around 9pm and the ginger haired girl was in bed by 10pm.

At first the night was peaceful and quiet, followed by Kiki's quiet snores and every once in a while, unintentionally, drooling on her pillow. But as the night progress, she found herself squirming a little in her sleep.

There was one thing from today that she couldn't get off her mind. The fact that the thief pulled out a gun on her and actually tried to shoot her.

While Kiki didn't realize it at the time, the heat of the moment and all that, it was only during her slumber did she realize that the event reminded her of something from her past back in Nevada.

Something she didn't like.


The man grabbed Kiki by the collar of her shirt. He lifted her up to her feet before shoving her back as she toppled back onto her bed.

She was sweating nervously like mad as he stalked towards her, his eyes filled with anger.

"Please, wait! Don't do anything you think you'll regret!" She pleaded. "Can't we talk about---"

"No talk!" he shouted, pulling something out from behind his back and aimed it right at her.

A gun.

Kiki shrieked, backing herself right into the wall.

"Don't try anything funny, and we'll get this done quickly."


The sound of the alarm clock buzzed across the room, jolting Kiki awake. Normally she would knock some sense into that thing, but today she just simply turned it off and shoved it to the side as she got out of bed.

Her forehead was sweating, her palms were sweating, her entire body was sweating! She took a deep breath, calming herself down.

"It's okay, you're okay now," She spoke quietly to herself. "You're far away from him... he can't get to you anymore."

After that pep talk, she smacked her cheeks with her hands, waking herself up. Today was her first day on the job at Crown City's Police Department, and she had to get pumped and ready for action!

She took a quick shower before drying her hair, rummaging through her closet as she brought out her police uniform. Since she was a new, rookie cop, the CCPD had a special uniform for new recruits. Her uniform consisted of the standard blue shirt, grey pants. What was added to this one, was a thin black bullet proof vest, a utility belt, and leather boots.

Kiki slipped on the shirt, pants, and boots, deciding to wait until she got to the station until putting on the vest and belt. She put the rest of her things in a backpack, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention on the way to work.

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