Chapter 5 - The Commissioner

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Strongarm and Kiki pulled up to the CCPD's Headquarters. The entire building was on lockdown as police, firefighters, and ambulances surrounded the building, covering the city block. Swat teams were on standby as citizen passerby's crowded around, trying to get a good look at what was happening.

The two female cops exited the vehicle, making their way through the crowd. They showed their badges to one of the officers keeping watch as he let the two pass the caution tape. They made their way through the crime scene, spotting a yellow tent with communication equipment inside. They stepped into the shade, meeting up with Bumblebee and Jazz who were chatting away with Prowl.

"Sirs," Strongarm greeted with a salute, Kiki quickly followed suit.

The three men looked up, halting their conversation as they met the female's gaze. Prowl was the first to speak up, waving his hand at the pair. "At ease,"

The two of them lowered their arms as they joined in with the group. "What's happening?"

"We've got ourselves a hostage situation," Prowl explained.

"The Commissioner?" Kiki guessed, although she highly doubted it involved anybody else.

"Who else would it be." Prowl answered with a quiet scoff.

"The criminals are holding the Commissioner, and his secretary in his office. They got the whole floor covered but the rest of the building has been evacuated," Bumblebee explained, pointing out the monitors of the security cameras. "However there's always one or two stragglers hiding somewhere."

"Do we have some sort of plan to rescue the Commissioner?" Strongarm asked.

"I formulated one out," Jazz spoke up. "It wouldn't help to have some extra hands."

"What's the plan?" Kiki questioned, crossing her arms.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, absolutely not, recruit," Prowl stepped forward, pointing a finger at the green eyed girl. "It's only your first day, you're completely out of your league."

"All due respect, sergeant, this is what I trained for!" Kiki replied in protest, hand over her heart.

"I'm not risking it," Prowl proclaimed. "End of discussion."

There was a stiff silence after that as Prowl turned back to the monitors, keeping an eye on the security cameras.

Kiki narrowed her eyes, her mind was deep in thought as she clutched her hand into a fist. She couldn't just stand by and do nothing. Jazz said so himself, he'll need the extra hands to help pull his plan off. She relaxed her hand, returning her gaze from the floor towards her boss.

"I'm going." She spoke.

She watched his head flinch as Prowl turned his head to face her. "Excuse me?"

"I said, I'm going." Kiki repeated.

Prowl's expression grew dark as he stepped forward pointing a finger at her. "Now you listen--"

"I'll stay out of the way," She quickly continued, taking a slight step back as Prowl froze where he stood. "I'll only go in to evacuate the remaining civilians that are hiding in the building."

Strongarm came to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'll keep an eye out for her, sir. She's my partner after all."

Prowl stared at the two of them for a brief moment, processing what was spoken to him. But before he could protest, to his, and Kiki's surprise, Bumblebee stepped forward as well, placing a steady hand on Kiki's other shoulder.

"Me too," he nodded. "We could really use her help."

Prowl exchanged glances between the three of them before he sighed, rubbing his eyelids. "Fine, I'll allow it," his voice suddenly turned stern as he looked back up at the trio, his eyes cold. "But it's on you three if something goes wrong."

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