Chapter 7 - Writing's On The Wall

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The rest of the week had been quiet, and boring.

The next day after the hostage takeover, Jazz, Strongarm, and Kiki were all brought in one by one into the interrogation room, explaining their side of the story on what went down that early Monday afternoon. They each explained their point of view on how the plan went down, what the criminal looked like, and were asked to describe the tattoo seen on the man's arm.

When Kiki's interview was over, she had tried to ask Prowl what the insignia mean't, as well as the term, "Decepticons", recalling the criminal screaming it before his suicide.

Prowl simply replied with, "It's classified," and left the room.

Kiki thought it was a strange answer, but after some thought, she assumed that she must not be in a higher rank to be told this "classified" information.

As the rest of the week dragged on into Friday afternoon, other than patrolling with Strongarm and handing out the occasionally parking ticket, nothing else majorly serious has happened since Kiki's first day.

When Mila heard what happened, she was terrified for her new friend. She and Kiki chatted on the phone until 2:00am Tuesday night. After that she slowly calmed down when she learned Kiki was unharmed. She especially got back into her teasing self when Kiki told her that Bumblebee had saved her life again.

And speaking off...

Bumblebee had taken Doctor Knockout's advice and had taken the rest of the week off to let his shoulder wound heal.

Kiki had to admit, she really did miss the guy. After all, he saved her life! Twice! Despite their limited interactions, she had hoped the two of them were at least getting along. The two of them seemed to work well together at the time, under pressure anyways.

She wanted to try and somehow reach out to him, find out if he was okay. She thought about asking Jazz or Strongarm for his number, but she didn't to come off as being creepy or needy.

Strongarm dropped Kiki back at her place after their shift was over. The ginger haired girl entered her home after waving goodbye at her partner as Strongarm drove down the road. Kiki tossed her backpack to the side, walking into the fridge and pulling out a water bottle before plopping herself on the couch.

While the week was boring and slow, it was still exhausting, especially in the California heat.

As she took a sip of her drink, her phone started vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out as the ringtone echoed across the room. The caller ID read "Unknown" on the black screen. Being curious, Kiki tapped the green button and brought the phone up to her right ear.


"Kiki?" spoke a masculine voice, "It's be, Bumblebee."

Kiki's eyes widened with surprise as she spit tick the water out of her mouth, the liquid splatting all over the coffee table as she coughed. "Bumblebee?!"

"Yes?" He replied with uncertainty. "Did I call at a bad time?"

"Huh? Uh, no, no, everything is, uh--" Kiki scrambled to her feet, reaching over as she grabbed a paper towel from the counter and frantically cleaned the coffee table before collapsing to her knees, breathing in before speaking again. "Fine! Everything's fine!"

He chuckled quietly, sensing the slight panic in her voice. "Sorry if I startled you."

"No, it's fine, really!" She assured him. "I just, wasn't really expecting your call..."

"Right, well, Mila got in touch with me yesterday to check in on me," He explained. "And as we talked, she mentioned that you were worried about me."

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