Chapter 10 - Space Battle

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Once the lift reached to the top floor, Bumblebee stepped forward, entering the backstage area. Stage crew was scrambling all over the place, along with people in costume for the big 'Space Battle' sequence. Boxes, amplifiers, and props were everywhere as he looked around the room for any sign of Bisk. 

Speaking of the devil, the Autobot spotted Bisk at the other end of the room, and it appeared that he was making his way up on stage with a few of the other performers. 

"Found you--"

"Eh, you there!" 

Bumblebee flinched as he turned around, spotting a man wearing a navy blue suit and headphones running towards him. 

"Where the hell have you been? Put your costume on, and get on the bloody stage!"

Bumblebee glanced over to the side, spotting a costume that looked just about his size, hanging from a rack at the side of the room.

He looked back over at the stage manager, shrugging. "If you insist!"

Bumblebee ran to the side, swiping the costume from the rack as he quickly slipped it on over his clothes. The costume he was wearing was a yellow and black jumpsuit, with a yellow helmet. 

Once he was set, he ran to the other side of the room and right into the left section of the stage. A group of performers ran to centre stage as Bumblebee rammed Bisk in the back, forcing the Deceticon to the floor. He turned around, just in time to block a punch from the brown skinned man and push him back. 

The red haired man bounced to his feet, charging after Bumblebee as the platinum haired man got into a stance. Bisk raised his fist, throwing a punch towards the man's face. Bumblebee ducked down, dodging the punch as he lunged forward body slamming Bisk in the chest. Bisk quickly recovered from the attack, and the pair locked fists with each other, staring each other down. 

"The one player I never defeated," Bisk growled. "I'll high score you out of existence!" 

"I've seen your moves, Bisk, believe me," Bumblebee replied as he tightened his grip on Bisk's hands with his metal gloves. "You're no where near my level."

Keeping him steady, Bumblebee raised his right foot and kicked Bisk right in the stomach, ramming him right into the wall of the stage. 

But before the two of them could continue their fight, they were met with a loud, sudden, screaming applause. They pair turned their heads to the side, and peering through the lights, they found a ocean of people, cheering and hollering as music blared in their ears. Bumblebee turned his head to the side, spotting the band "Real Axle" performing live, with Bumblebee and Bisk up on the giant plasma screen. 

"It's... it's like being in a video game!" Bisk exclaimed.

A wide smile crept on Bumblebee's face as he took in the scenery. "It's... like being in a dream." 

As Bumblebee took in the scenery, a series of barks and growls caught his attention. He just turned in the nick of time to watch himself be bombarded by a pair of German Shepherds. They clawed at his body, biting at his shoulders and arms as the man desperately tried to shove the dogs off of him. 

Finally after a few seconds of stinging torture, Bumblebee reached back, grabbed the collars of the dogs and yanking them off his body, tossing them to the side. The dogs scrambled to their feet, growling at the man. Bumblebee growled back at the dogs, and the two canines backed off.

With those two out of the way, Bumblebee scanned the stage, spotting Bisk making his way down the middle aisle. Walking straight towards the audio booth at the center of the arena where the soundboards were located.

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