Chapter 11 - Interrogation

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Special thanks to WildAshChronos helping me with this chapter!


It was now Sunday morning, and Prowl had requested that Kiki and Bumblebee come into work today to interrogate Bisk.

Kiki was hoping that this interrogation would help shed some light on this whole "Decepticon" shindig that's been going on for the last week. First the guy that tried to kill Commissioner Magnus, and now Bisk trying to steal some soundboards from the Real Axle concert last night.

The big question was; Why?

Who was or were the Decepticons exactly? Since they found more than one, were they some sort of group? And given the terrible deeds they've committed, Kiki quickly made an educated guess that they were some sort of terrorist group.

There was also another term that caught her attention. Autobots.

She remembered the Decepticon from the Hostage scare screaming that before he chucked the bomb into the lobby of CCPD Headquarters.

Were they an enemy to the Decepticons somehow? Were the Decepticons and these Autobots, fighting?

Kiki rattled the thought throughout her mind as she pushed the front door open of the police station and entered the lobby, making her way up the stairs.

Perhaps she could try asking Prowl about this. Although when she tried it the first time around, he said that that information was deemed classified and that she wasn't a higher rank to know about this information.

A higher rank? Perhaps her partner Strongarm might know something? True she's only a cadet, but she's defiantly a higher rank than Kiki who's just a recent recruit.

But then again, Kiki recalled that time they took Bumblebee to the hospital after he had saved Kiki from getting stabbed by a glass shard. When Prowl showed up, he had asked for her and Strongarm to leave the room, so that himself, Bumblebee, Jazz, and surprisingly enough, Doctor Knockout could converse among themselves.

Do the four of them know what's been going on?

Perhaps she could try to turn to her superiors for that information. If they could talk to her about it that is.

The girl wasn't entirely sure what to wear today, since technically it's supposed to be her day off. She wore her light blue dress shirt, grey pants, belt, and boots, keeping the rest of her things in her backpack, in the event that she would need them.

She stored her backpack into her locker and trotted out of the room, entering the office area and began to make her way towards the interrogation room. Through the giant glass window, she could find Bisk sitting in his chair, his wrists hand cuffed along with a chain attached to the table. Prowl and Bumblebee stood across from him, their arms crossed as they shot glares at the red head. Kiki watched as Bumblebee unfolded his arms, placing his hands against the table as he leaned forward towards Bisk, his lips moving as if he was asking him a question.

Kiki was told to be at the station by 9:00am at the earliest, but she figured Bumblebee must have arrived a bit earlier. Why did he come early? Was he more anxious to figure out Bisk's motives?

When Kiki saw Bumblebee's face, she couldn't help but think about last night. The look of concern and anger in his eyes when he checked her arm, the calm in his voice when he told her to get somewhere safe, not to mention the two locking eyes with each other when Kiki screamed his name, giving him the confidence boost needed to take Bisk down, live on stage! Plus let's not forget that Kiki gave Bumblebee permission to kiss her after his sudden, exciting outburst.

Flight of The Bumblebee (A Bumblebee X OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin