Chapter 2 : The girl with red hair

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It was a long night I didn't sleep well being in a new place that was somewhat familiar to me I paused for a moment when I heard the floor boards creek and the tree's rustle when the wind gently blew it was something I wasn't use to compared to the city and hearing cars and sirens all night long. This was what peace and quiet was all about.

I pulled out that picture of me and the little girl from years ago and set it on my night table next to the picture of mom, grandpa, and me and let out a sigh as I woke up early the next morning before sunrise. I looked towards the southern entrance with a cup of coffee in my hand waiting to see that girl again who waved to me.

Maybe I wanted to see her again and talk to her maybe there was something else as I ran my hand through my bluish hair I smiled as I watched the sunrise and walked back inside. "Okay time to head into town and meet the locals it'll be good to start making some friends and learn more about the land."

I changed out of my sleep ware for blue jeans a grey shirt and my old leather jacket since it was still cool and left the house for town. It was a nice morning as I walked down the dirt path watching the little patches of fog move around in the field listening to the sounds of the birds chirp as I opened up the gate to the farm and walked by the bus stop and into town.

Pelican town wasn't what I excepted then again what did I except? I thought, perhaps a town similar to my home. Maybe worn down buildings that had seen better days. I didn't think it would be a common small town that was up to date on everything from a small clinic to a general store they even had a local saloon that made fresh meals daily and great tasting beers.

I was fascinated as I saw mayor Lewis at the bulletin board posted in front of the general store. He waved at me and smiled "So how was your first night in the cabin my boy?" he asked me. "Well save the fact I could have slept a bit better it wasn't too bad." I replied as he pated me on the shoulder. "Well since you're here let me introduce you to the town" He said as he motioned me to follow him inside the general story that was adeptly named Pierre's.

It was interesting as we chatted and he showed me the seeds and stuff related to crop farming in his store but it was interesting when he called out his wife Caroline and daughter Abigail. I will have to say Abigail was cute when we first met and talked for a good half an hour before Lewis and I left.

As Lewis showed me around the town I saw the same girl from yesterday walking out of town towards the forest again humming a familiar tune as we continued walking on I stopped Lewis and asked him who she was he only said to me she was a an artist who came here last spring to find inspiration . I nodded as we continued the tour and listened to the history of the town.

As the sun began to set I waved goodbye to Lewis and walked back to my farm humming that same tune the girl was humming. I smiled as I made it back home and lit a fire in the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around me I sat next to it sipping a cup of soup while staring into that burning inferno lost in thought on what I should do first thing in the morning.

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